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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by nbmishoid

  1. Need a huge pile of cash for this trade in strategy. Keep dividing by 2, etc. 5 trades and you are at 1/32.
  2. Their importance is increasing. But their reliability is low. Not really a friend, as the US defines it (do what I say)
  3. But starting with the number of guns here, and considering today’s politics, facts cannot help define a policy that would get implemented and supported
  4. Yess, Sark was a bargain. Now competitively paid.
  5. Modern life hard?
  6. Better late than never. Talking about me, pretty much along this timeline, esp re Iraq.
  7. Always thought that had ee vs ea
  8. Don’t know why, but I like that we rank highly. What do we do with the endowment money? Can it be used to lower attendance costs?
  9. I just think even Putin realizes how uncontrollable and dangerous tfg is,
  10. 35% was ya basta for the Nazi’s. But, their opposition was fragmented
  11. They just don’t remember shit from 3-7 years ago
  12. Mom used a flyswatter. Or her Mule slipper.
  13. Muito
  14. A fantastic book - the author was a journalist ther during theb30’s
  15. I was kind of thinking compassionate conservative. Wasn’t that a thing?
  16. What is this conservative movement you speak of?
  17. Reminds me the MD and Ops GM took vacation at Y2K time and I had to worry about 500k bopd. My IT guy told me to chill, and he was right.
  18. Got the old negative spin thing going. We see it.
  19. Right. She’s not CEO of a public company. She is her own private company. More so than Elmo. And how many fucks does he give? (Large negative number)
  20. Thanks. I tried it earlier today. No problem guitar wise, but it seemed unusually difficult “hearing” the melody (to sing to) as the song goes thru the chord arrangement. Equals practice, of course.
  21. 20,000 apartments paid for but not delivered
  22. As it turned out, thank god, you did have the capacity, overall. Not the situation for the bulk of the homeless addled.
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