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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by nbmishoid

  1. That is a great collection, sux. Superb.
  2. Nah, Butch. I’m very fuckin’ far from ok
  3. Loving the football Troph on this thread
  4. Sure, the average citizen is not financially clever. That is why the system is here. Sorry you don’t have the means to afford the deduction. Oh, you can? And you still complain. Finally, again you omit the catastrophic societal outcomes, which would overwhelm your simple minded logic. Most of us considered and rejected your logic upon reaching adulthood
  5. Hammer It has been explained above. Your framing purposefully omits the many catastrophic societal outcomes. Thus your argument is bullshit, and you have the morals of a snake, biblically speaking
  6. In a word, bullshit. What planet are you on? Sure, this will get real support
  7. More like Blood Meridian, with R’s as the gang. Don’t know who the R Judge would be
  8. Still a pathetic shell of a UT community. Sad in comparison to the successors that led to this site
  9. Well, sure. Just saying they are not nearly the benefit they were vs Tech or OSU.
  10. I think 3rd and long has been no problem for Penick. The entire D will need to manufacture some stops/TO’s
  11. Yet it ( Vegas and UO) is irrelevant to the real drivers of game outcomes
  12. Take Sushi’s posts as an example. Data driven reasoning in the world is empirically proven better than rhetoric. Get off your rocking horse
  13. It’s not about the patterns you hear from others, it is about evaluating the legit comparative data and reasoning from there. The “we heard this from everyone “ argument is childish bullshit
  14. After the next Diaz firing, we can speculate Lincoln Riley to Dook
  15. After 27 years, now you tell me. I don’t mind winter here, hardly something to endure. The waterfront is beautiful every day.
  16. Some Texas alumni live up here, too. Skip the bad weather wishes
  17. Again with the Oregon. Oregon, Oregon, Oregon.
  18. I beat you to it a post or three above. Thank you for your attentiveness
  19. Weird for sure. And innumerate is the term I meant.
  20. The mathematician John Paulos had a term for people like you - anarithmetic . No sense of numbers and analysis.
  21. How does that defense hold Texas to 17? I think CTJ pointed out we have played 7 higher ranked defenses than UW, and averaged 40+ on that set. Late season Texas puts up 50+.
  22. She may remember this time.
  23. I can’t believe I mildly enjoyed that godawful anthem rendition those long years ago. I misinterpreted her motives then.
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