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Everything posted by nbmishoid

  1. Ok, all non Democrats are fascist bat shit loon cruel bastards
  2. Currently reading Kendi’s Stamped From The Beginning. Drawing color lines within ethnic minorities is a time worn strategy. His message is, this doesn’t work in the favor of the overall group in the long run. And it’s a racist strategy.
  3. Don’t worry, the season itself puts most of us over the edge.
  4. Could not get WaPo here on Bainbridge, so went with NYT. Learned to read by reading the newspaper, first with funnies.
  5. nbmishoid


    You is you and yours
  6. nbmishoid


    And you are gathering momentum. Congratulations.
  7. I don’t think we will see violence of the Jan 6 type. The FAFO has persuaded many not to fuck around this way. The right wing infrastructure (talk about deep non state!) is very deep now, and when they win the next Fed election, they will use governmental means, as has already been published. Perhaps down the road they will get to hassling white dem voters en masse.
  8. I got pulled over twice from 800 So Aiport to campus one Sat morning. The inspection sticker was 2 days stale.
  9. Don’t know about Barbie. Wife not interested. But, I did see Robbie in Babylon this past week, and that was some performance, I gotta say.
  10. Looks like it, smells like it, tastes like it…
  11. They didn’t become that way because they are progressive, they became that way because they were good weather options, mostly.
  12. Not much. Seattle averages in the low 40 in annually. Most over late fall to early spring, drizzles about 50% of the days. Summer is 95% sunshine and in the 70s’. She will wonder how she tolerated Texas. Udub is a great school, equivalent generally to UT.
  13. Yes, the castoff equals bust, without a doubt. Fuck what players say.
  14. Punish yourself for your knowledge of arithmetic. Patriarchal bullshit.
  15. I met him via advisory committee stuff and he was very friendly and helpful. No ego given his billion in the bank.
  16. Everything at the rodeo is usually horribad, bands, that is.
  17. Glad you appreciated the sarcasm.
  18. Getting there old here. Our issue also is the volume of books. We’ve taken a thousand away. Still have about 9 bookshelves full here in the house, recent stuff, like within 25 years. Plus library type cases in the room over the garage, old technical books, monographs, SPE transactions volumes, etc.hate to toss that “important” (read impotent) stuff. We also have 3 sets of fine china. We will leave some stuff for the kids to deal with. Much less than ours made us deal with. They need the experience.
  19. My fil had lifelong migraines, then numerous TIA’s after 65. Finally had a debilitating stroke at 80, passed shortly after. This was 20 years ago.
  20. I’m being a prick, but the notion that “he made the bomb” underappreciates the gigantic scale of the effort. Not just Los Alamos, where so many others solved the problems, in general, but also to the gigantic fuel production efforts which are outside the Oppie/Los Alamos story but we’re actually the largest scope of work in the entire “Making of the Atomic Bomb”. Both Richard Rhodes historical accounts, and the American Prometheus bio, help get the full picture. Definitely going.
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