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Everything posted by nbmishoid

  1. You are not surprised, surely, that this racist piece of shit bro country turd of a so called song is factually full of shit, like all of its not so obviously racist bro country bros?
  2. More like sore assholes
  3. And that’s one reason we chose the Seattle area. That it is a nice place populated by majority non maga assholes lends considerable charm on its own. I jest, tons of charm. In our analysis we had to vary house price assumptions by location. E.g. NorCal very much more expensive than, say, Carolina. Austin prices in 2012 were higher than Seattle, go figure. These differences could add up to a one time increment of several hundred thousand smackers.
  4. Pretty sure Bird could drop it in the ol breadbasket from any distance
  5. You teach your kid calculus? Black history? 19th century philosophers? Wood shop? Defensive backfield? Marching band?
  6. Not even I would take a $59 guitar. Therefore, what is the market for this?
  7. Not a pro, but better than last year. He seems quite a bit more comfortable, a bit aware of his desired message. He’s just 20, so he will get better.
  8. LF Good points. It is also easier than ever to be an malicious idiot.
  9. Yes, the “technology” is as old as aggregated societies. We have learned nothing wrt battling this trend.
  10. My mom had a saying, one of the many tough truths she whupped into my brain, via my backside, “Believe nothing of what you hear and only half of what you see”. At the time I thought this saying was, if not nuts, then a typically vast overstatement. She was way ahead of her time. On the other hand, we have now a large segment of the society that believes nothing of what they may see or hear, only what they are “told” I.e instructed. The aim Is to extend this model to us all.
  11. LF Look, I’m a retired engineer, not a nut case, so I, too have trouble seeing how this will “work”. But the sheer amount of this book banning/whitewashing history, by government leaders, is unprecedented in my adult lifetime, I.e 50 years or so. These fuckers seem to have their mojo working, surprising for a lost cause. Not a supportive statement, more a sorrowful one.
  12. For a lost cause, they are making a disturbing degree of headway.
  13. If whites could only read that controversial tenet as … any system or institution founded or erected by a society’s dominant group is biased in favor of that group and against other groups, inherently. It not that we’re whites, it that we are the dominant group.
  14. ISU Dallas is the LA of Texas. Houston is gulf coast, a bit Cajun, historically, but now just uniquely Houston.
  15. Just like Hitler did, use the vermin type analogy
  16. Some logic. Having the clarity of self, purpose, and ethics to denounce abject racism makes Safe, and a few others, “miserable”. We need quite a bit more misery, then, Poe, starting at your house.
  17. Nice color combo, not sure I have seen. Not that I am any expert. I do see a Tele in my future, maybe 18 months out. So I will be slurping up all the examples posted.
  18. Born in 54. Brat-like. Had the drills on the regular up thru the 6th grade (66). Being at the largest army base in the US made us a logical target. What we kids talked about was we would all be vaporized so what good would this do?
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