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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by nbmishoid

  1. Just from a style perspective, would you work in a few more passive voice examples?
  2. They listened and learned by example. Lecture ran one word: Nope
  3. For about 40 years now.
  4. To pay it off in 2 years, every productive asset in the GDP register would have to be taxed at 50%, including all of us. Tough love. That would be a recession to remember.
  5. We’re on the same page. and I stopped being reliably right longer ago than I can remember
  6. Thanks for the write up, CTJ. And for addressing the kSU streak issue firstly. You are usually right.
  7. Classic myth, crowding out the private sector.
  8. The cool kids are mostly anti oppressor. This situation is more complicated than they can reason. But the axiom is ok.
  9. Thx, I feel doubly better now. Look forward to the technical input.
  10. I guess I’d do even up, even at home.
  11. Yes, after each our last couple of games, KSU looks like a load for Texas. I would favor KSU.
  12. Agreed. But, being stoned twice latish in the game, a fg to make it a 3 score lead makes it a 3 possession lead. That last non attempt was meaningful at the time. He is beginning to irritate me with this.
  13. No big chunk is supporting Hamas. A big chunk is worried about escalation and other unwanted outcomes. 956 has the equation. How many deaths will counter the Israeli deaths. There is a worry the number gets too high. Or is it not possible for it to get too high?
  14. Whether legal is not the point. Yes, if Isreal gets 100 killed, then killing 10,000 does not make the world nor heaven a better place. What one can do and should do are not the same.
  15. As Kinky would inquire, why the hell not? Used it on my financial advisor Monday, he was struck silent.
  16. Also meaningless is discussion around which bad is worse than some other bad.
  17. We have no idea how bad this Texas team can play, with this week’s personnel
  18. No 20 mph for Malik
  19. I had a grade 1 and it took 10 days to tolerate bike riding. Slinging a ball 40 yards is a much more stressful demand. I’m guessing not until Tech. We’d better buckle up.
  20. I’m going with minimal class AC sprain. 2weeks at least. Using it is one thing, slinging it at a high level another.
  21. Like I said, I played for 5 years under these type coaches. You bet fear motivated me. Fear has taken a back seat, in our society.
  22. Hopefully he’ll be in an ankle bracelet at one of his resorts when it comes time to do the key swing state combat.
  23. After OU, we can only assume shootout
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