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Everything posted by nbmishoid

  1. It’s a long drive from town, or to town after the obligatory imbibing and inhaling
  2. The peace, love, and rock and roll were always a minority group among boomers. Those folks did not grow into hate. They greatly helped elect Clinton, Obama, and Biden. Folks generally confuse the boomer political demographic. The conservative component has had the majority, but does not represent the whole. As usual, as always.
  3. I’ve been assigned to learn this but not there yet.
  4. Many reviewers have considered Faulkner as McCarthy’s model, or some such. McC’s power to move the story along is a big difference, to me.
  5. Wrong. Re-read it in a year or so. Then listen to an e book version. Then you will have a better idea of what you read, and a better appreciation of what writing can be.
  6. Makes one jealous at others having serious representation. So I will have to take this opportunity to brag on my rep, Ms Jayapal, also serious.
  7. Another vote for team tele neck pickup
  8. About to say, that looks like a lot of white hair, excluding the vocalist. Envious, of course.
  9. Read them all, but was introduced to him via Blood Meridian, a gift from a sister. He and Martin Amis gone in a week. Not that they were comparable. McCarthy was in his own class. McCarthy Updike, Roth, Bellow, Amis. That’s one hella collection to read.
  10. Well, the 112, though lightly used, is 30 yrs old and is a likely candidate to have a flaw. I’ll consider “replacement”, but I don’t need a stage amp, jus high quality play at home thing. My instructor has a room full of those orange things, a likely direction. Meanwhile, the little 10 amp fits my needs. I appreciate the advice from all.
  11. And have any of them read “Fear and Loathing…”?
  12. The 112 has an input for Foot Switch, plus 2 input channels. Connecting the SD to the foot switch input produced nothing. A little reading indicates this is where a Fender switch is installed to worked between the clean and distorted (green and red) modes on the amp. I believe I tried both inputs 1 &2 with the same result, I.e big hum then loud wail when shut down, even with amp volume at zero. What is a ground loop in this type of situation, generally? Appreciate all the comments.
  13. The SD1 is on battery. The one it came with, the specs say this is 9v, but I’ll open it up to ensure.
  14. Monroe is ok. They have one of the “state fairs” out there. Small, charming. Not a bad commute to Bothell. Not heavy. A mix of old time locals and newcomers. Looked great from a bike. Would say better than Kitsap, on the charm dimension. Beautiful, great weather, close to good things, does not invoke ferry-mageddon. Check, check, check, check. Good luck!
  15. Has a cold beer been mentioned?
  16. As a kid, every Saturday I had to break out the Kiwi, the brush, and the rag, and get those shoes ready for Sunday school.
  17. Sorry, but a question for those who know. Bought the SD1 as a first step. Plugged the guitar into it and plugged the box output to the little Crate 10 W amp. Worked great. But, plugged it into the Fender 112 and there started an enormous hum. The amp is against a wall and behind a couch from the guitar, about 8 ft, and the guitar has its back to the amp. Anyway, I turn the amp volume to zero and shut off the power switch and it emits this piercing wail at about 80db, for a half second, before shutting off. I tried both inputs and got that result. Ain’t trying that again, for now. Does someone see something obvious here? Many thanks in advance.
  18. I never took the time to listen to any of this. But after a couple years of forced immobility I discovered e-books, podcasts, and this type of thing. Helped me get thru each day. And now I see value in these daily discussions, along with coffee and the morning paper.
  19. Pato Well, the most usage is from BI (Winslow) to Seattle and a far second to the Bremerton line. All other ferries are lower priority. So, that would mean the Kingston-Edmunds line, I.e to Kitsap. If there are employee shortages or boat issues, the higher priority lines get resources. So, that Kitsap line will have a few unpredictable days a year where there is no ferry, tough luck. This combined with the ferries being overloaded, thus having to wait an hour for the next one, get old. This is a daily thing morning and afternoon. If one can “walk on”, much better, but car capacity has been a thing for a couple of years. Many ferry-maggedon stories. Then there are occasional snow days. I like the occasional ferry ride where I didn’t have to compete like a dog with the masses. But everyday? Kill me now. Yes, housing is cheaper in Kitsap. Test the ferry out for an extended time (take an apt in Kitsap), see if you can live with it. See my first post, the construction guys hated, hated, hated it. And that was contra flow.
  20. Pato Congrats on your job and move. As you know Bothell is at the NE tip of Lake Wa. It’s reasonably well populated and comfy suburbia out there. Lots of variety including towns further afield. There are legions of folks who live on the “East Side” and won’t think of coming to Seattle but for some event. We are now on Bainbridge Is but a similar barrier. In the rural area north of Bothell things get a bit red state-like. Pickups passing close to bikers and what not. Many wineries are close to Bothell, and Chateau St Michele has a good concert summer series. A university remote campus also in Bothell. A dozen years ago we retired to Seattle, the Magnolia neighborhood. I loved it. But living in the city gets expensive, even more so, for housing, in any preferred area. I enjoyed the symphony, the occasional sporting event, or big concert, but it’s not really necessary to live in the city if the need is to access it a few times a year. if by peninsula you mean Kitsap, it is surely less pricey and plenty of near rural options. But, it puts the ferry in play. We had a 2 year renovation on our place on BI and the guys who had to take the Edmonds - Kingston ferry complained constantly. Always a sword hanging over their head. After dozen years here, I would prioritize minimizing the commute. Every place is beautiful, has great weather, and is close to some good things. You are very fortunate to have your job located in Bothell. Get as close to there as you can, and lube up your wallet.
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