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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by nbmishoid

  1. Well, I didn’t say or mean any such thing. What started as a mild jest with Twice led me to wonder why most engineers are politically conservative. You and I presumably being engineers, what is your take on engineers and conservatism? Is it just the white male in us? Or, is it your experience most engineers are libs?
  2. Well, obviously a course like that can do wonders! Your post means, yes, we can choose to educate this way. Depending, of course, on where one lives.
  3. Well, thinking back to pre retirement gets harder, but I conjecture that many engineers are taught an exclusively instrumental mind set. Manipulate the physical world for “benefit”. Benefit that equals dollars and the math gets easy. Leave people and the world at large out of your mindset. What do you get? Sure, I wish we could stuff an ethics course in there. But advisory committees get told the undergrads are maxed on required hours (128 or 130, can’t recall). No one can agree on what to take away. Our pedagogy and our commercial culture manufacture the engineers we get. We could do better.
  4. Fuck this attitude. Dark Brandon has had the most impactful initial term, for advancing “the good”, since probably effin LBJ. Against a morally horrific degenerate opposition
  5. Winner, winner
  6. Sure. It’s the actions, later, that are the crimes. And the draft speaks to planning, premeditation, etc, important ancillaries to the crimes. Engineer view here, not law dog.
  7. Traveled thru Eureka in a 76 Toyota pickup, maybe 1977. Stopped in a music store and bought a Steely Dan songbook. Lost it, long ago. An acoustic rendition of “Razor Boy” is all that remains. No Rick Derringer on the slide.
  8. Looks like it’s high time to break out the dvd’s of Last Waltz, and that train ride across Canada movie. Great stuff.
  9. Bridge of Sighs: what a complete joy it is to play. Will need to learn some recording to stack the parts at the end. Down the road.
  10. Oppenheimer, and others, were keenly aware of what they had unleashed. They rightfully feared an arms race. The politico’s were in no way able to think like that, so his destruction is one reason why we have had to live under this massive existential threat. Existential.
  11. Collins showing this year, some at edge, is better than great.
  12. Christomighty, DH, don’t confuse me with FF.
  13. No one is arguing statistics, Bonz. Just putting out the idea that the “pretty face” of American Christianity isn’t all that perfectly pretty.
  14. Happier for now. But one might then be an asshole headed to hell.
  15. Well, we here in the richest society ever, who have built wealth via by far leading the world in cumulative emissions, we just can’t do anything if the poor societies, who have mostly nil in cumulative emissions, relatively, can’t afford to match us.
  16. Well, when we came back from overseas to the Bay Area ( San Ramon), my daughter was a to-be junior. I had to pick her up a few times, me in my old Ford Contour and the kids rolling out of there with MBZ convertibles, etc. Plenty of humility to be had.
  17. I guess they are in the same boat with “white men and white women” in general. Too many support racist attitudes and vote with hate up front.
  18. Informative update, thank you. Bonus plus onus.
  19. Read that as few years ago. Definitely super important we don’t fuck up this privileged, or over use it for various political aims. Like overusing antibiotics.
  20. Tex, your massively optimistic views really need to be reigned in.
  21. All good fun, but, they do this debt limit shit and the military promotion shit because they are political performers with no desire nor ability to govern. Yet they have to be “in charge”. Power for the sake of power.
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