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Everything posted by nbmishoid

  1. But would you really want 5 more years of the other shit?
  2. Only in the minds of idiots, of which there are more than a few.
  3. That Austin University or whatever the conservatives are setting up. Not a real affiliate, but presumed so by an ignorant public.
  4. I think “non-human” is the proper nomenclature. Yes, we do treat them better.
  5. It’s fairly hard to be truly influential on an advisory committee. Course loads are maxed out, what to trade for what else, etc? The real lingua franca is, of course, money. Luckily, my employer let me bring it by the bushel. So one can influence by funding labs or partnering in research, but the philosophy of the dept/school/college is not really up for debate. Because we were all satisfied with said philosophy, for one thing. But mainly the dept chairs and deans held that subject ferociously close. I imagine a river of faculty exits would occur by the time we get to establishing phrenology programs. Yet we have an associated school that is little more than that, right now. I wouldn’t think holding the money back would count against the pols. If UT destruction is their aim, defunding works for them, too.
  6. Seems the main character is unbearable, in that she simply assumes the world is her oyster and that is her moral center. This after the first 3 or 4 episodes. My wife dislikes the character even more.
  7. When has it been so clear to so many that Texas has a significant conference talent advantage? 2005? I’m just not used to this perspective, after all these years.
  8. 70 yrs ago that shale was viewed as source rock not reservoir. Not economically recoverable, etc. Not just a bureaucratic view, but also,the legit technical view of the day. Times and technology change. Forecasting such 70 yrs in the future is hard, as Yogi Berra might say. And, the government didn’t have a domain/use case for the mineral rights. Those had nothing to do with the surface reservoir.
  9. Reminds me of The Great Santini. My Dad was a career NCO and had a lot of that attitude, as well.
  10. My DIL is just the worst ever at this. Not once has she ever ordered without multiple requested changes, in a this no that style that just drives everyone in hearing rage crazy.
  11. And as to that topic, I am doubting that this group of red 150 would ever sign (now, for this administration) and I don’t see that prior examples, of more principled groups of legislators, removes that doubt.
  12. Js1 Apologies, it’s a line from Randy Newman’s song, “Shame”. Check your satire meter. A cultural expression of doubt. Not of your veracity or character, but of the subject of our discussion. Finally, check out that song.
  13. Thank you, Bear, for what may have been obvious, just not for me. I have 12000 songs from my old CD days. I listen to Spotify lists that my daughter makes for me. But I haven’t been a big user otherwise. This is a perfect strategy. That Gravedigger version was from live show I’d seen a video, just him and Boyd, just single note draw over each chord DM played.
  14. Well, you need to model a few scenarios to see where the royalty option and the cash purchase options appear equivalent. Factor in some appropriate risk. Any form of deal can work. It’s not the form, it’s the terms and numbers.
  15. Yes, and yes. That group of red 150 will never vote for a debt limit increase under ANY circumstances. That is direct violation of the 14th, and must be recognized.
  16. Perhaps some personal lawsuits directed at him, or a quiet conversation with a “cleaner” type might be funded/arranged.
  17. Let’s all stop saying right is better than wrong, kindness better than cruelty, inequality is worsening, climate change is a huge priority, and, in summary, let’s not see the world with reality glasses, let’s plug our eyes, ears, and noses and go wah, wah, fucking wah.
  18. It’s Temple, Biff. You coulda been stuck with some mass murderer from Killeen.
  19. Never bought any of his stuff, and I know there are more than a few haters. But I had his version of Gravedigger in my head so just learned it and enjoy it more than expected. I might investigate more, so, what would be the best collection of DMB music?
  20. Shades of Simms/Applewhite. Not locally, but the outside is pushing this - it’s the off season.
  21. Well, that 20 yr streak would be great to end. This game will inaugurate a series that will likely meet the intensity of OU, but with the home and home craziness. I welcome this new overlord of anxiety game.
  22. She’s been promoted to Cuomo’s old 9 pm spot
  23. Thx, Lobo. Was overseas during the entirety of Seinfeld, plus all the others 90’s things. So my interactions with US culture took on this weird simulation aspect. Everyone else knew the script, except for me. Some things don’t change. Have a great mid,week.
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