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Everything posted by nbmishoid

  1. nbmishoid

    Jim Croce

    Thanks JJ. For all that personality, he also played the hell out of that thing.
  2. How many football teams were there to serve? Looks fantastic. Most excellent shit.
  3. I stand up right away to remind those near me to pack up their shit and be prepared to move. Goal is we do not delay the rest of the world by more than a second or two.
  4. nbmishoid


    Being loved vs being feared; they somehow sense the former may be better. They just have no clue how to do it.
  5. He could just mention he went to Baylor, as to his conservative bona fides, while Raffy went to librul Ivy League grooming schools.
  6. I had considered “Duncan” for my now 37 yr old. Wife nixed that. Then Roxanne for my daughter. Wife said that’s a whore’s name. Nurse said “that’s my name”
  7. Now I will always mentally link Nader with Bob Euker
  8. Jesus H Christ could not garner a 2/3 majority going forward. Not even with Chapelle as his running mate. Only a dictator is going to get 2/3 majority, and that’s not a majority we can clap about.
  9. Bob You’ve talked me into putting the 12-28 into rotation. Strings are new, so it’s just there. My teacher talked me into retaining the LP, and we’ll start in on that in a month. 0And my old Yairi is in the tv room to pick up whenever (whenever I’m alone in there.). The problem of what to do with those 3, a supposed problem in February, has been resolved. I found the 12 not as well suited to finger picking, and that was my “strength”. It does, as you say, make the 6 seem easy to navigate. A benefit in itself. We’ll see what I think now.
  10. NTB, Tried to sell a 76 d12-28 here a couple months ago when I was able to get back to guitar. Figured at that time I just wouldn’t “mess with” the 12 string. But everything you say is true to my ear as well. It is just so much noise I have to holler rather than sing. Well, there is that matter of touch. if I break out the 12 I will probably have to play it outside. Why the hell not (props to Kinky F)
  11. I am one of the guys that did guitar for a couple of years out of college, then maybe every 10 years I’d start over. So, permanent beginner. I did buy a wonderful guitar, Taylor 714 cedar top, 3 years ago, and was starting over yet again, when all things got put on hold for a couple of years. I came out of that with a mission from god regarding guitar, so started with a teacher at 68 yrs old. My teacher is 64. Anyway, 2 of three messages here, and number one is commitment. Real deal commitment. More than anything, you muster up and bring it, all will be ok. second is yes, get a teacher of some sort so that you are constantly challenged. Some can get this out of books, videos, etc. So the third recommendation, can’t believe I am admitting this, but learning to, or just working at reading music is, in fact far from a waste of time. 2 hours it has taken me to note name and play 7 lines of classical bit some Italian wrote for his kid to study 300 years ago. I feel I’m communing with both, weird. Yes, work on reading music. Take up some classical.
  12. Is this English? So much to learn.
  13. What are there, 20 million attorneys? The percentage of retrograde assholes is no different in any group that size in the society. They can’t band together any more so than the rest of us.
  14. Deep into your veins, amirite?
  15. I surely misinterpreted your meaning. Not the only one. Thanks for your clarity. Yet my point was that concern about regrets, on a population basis, directed at gender affirming surgeries is like swatting a fly on the charging elephants. Misplaced priorities. I don’t now attribute that view to you. I hope your back is better.
  16. You married to Bob Euker . (sp, and RIP)
  17. Mullet, caring about others, and being proactive in removing harmful cultural obstacles, does not detract from one’s personal professional skill package. It enhances it, you fucking moron. Additional knowledge helps. Try it sometime.
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