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Everything posted by nbmishoid

  1. Food poisoning. Well, not zactly trivial.
  2. Can’t call us hypocrites until you see us as Governor. Acting like that.
  3. Absolutely, more patients regret back surgery than any other (according to my numerous docs and my personal experience). Orders of magnitude greater than the numbers of total gender surgery. Naija don’t care about this much larger population. FO.
  4. Not to derail, but WW2 fucked up a lot of Greatest gen folks. What they had, there in the 50’s, politically, was nearly unprecedented unity. Unity for the majority. So, the gg enforced Jim Crow, got us into Nam, and raised such wonderful boomers as tfg. No gen yet is free of our inherent evils.
  5. My Yairi I bought new in 1978, for, truly, tree fiddy Play it daily, though it’s second string
  6. Moldy Ham Sandwich NOW!
  7. Well, while modern humans are pegged at 200k years ago, pre human types were walking around. He prolly is fantasizing being an Australopithecus Robustus trying to assault all the Aferensis in sight. Still a disgusting thought. Those footsteps in the sandstone are running away from pre human tfg.
  8. Like that car full of law dogs…,,, this is a good start
  9. No, but you doubted any accuser could convince you (to the required threshold). So, would you likewise doubt yourself?
  10. You don’t think you would recall being raped, years later? 51% or so sure?
  11. Yes, but that intro album just came out of nowhere.
  12. And how would you vet the PA school, if the only difference were the presence of the Satan Club or no?
  13. My wants for office holders are simple: nice folks, proceed. Mean folks, fuck off. It has worked my whole life for personal relationships, and it maps pretty neatly on the existing 2 party system. I don’t care how smart, skilled, or talented the mean candidate is, I can not have those skills put in the service of meanness. When we are rid of meanness we can return to worshiping looks, brains, and shit.
  14. Sadly, no SIL or DIL is short of a mountain of imperfections. I imagine what I must look like to them. But all kinds of people find a way to make a partnership work.
  15. nbmishoid


    My satire meter is broken. The point seems to be that is not something that happened to them, personally. It is them. You are referring to a population. Like as in a statistic. An old prof once said a statistic never caused anything.
  16. When the JW’s and LDS’s take up this line, you will know we have reached super saturation levels.
  17. Great series of posts, IMHO. Our melting pot had some damn nasty ingredients. Our record, judged fairly, is horrific. But we, however we group the we, are not unique in this regard, in a long history view. A near universal propensity at the group level. Culturally evolved. But that doesn’t excuse this propensity, doesn’t excuse it being acted out in todays morality. As for technology, it allows one side to be more ruthless. It ups the scale of ruthlessness. Think the gadget from Los Alamos. Still, humans make the call. We today have the benefit of history to guide us through our worst inclinations. That we, apparently, are too few.
  18. Face timing with my son in Houston yesterday. A gunshot came through their back door and lodged in the teen aged son’s bedroom wall, with him in bed, about midnight. They are extremely freaked out. Hard to be productive in their jobs while constantly worrying about this shit.
  19. Why not both? At the time my Mom was still in Austin and I came to know that drive well. Trees slowly appear out of the ground headed east, and slowly sink back into the ground headed west.
  20. Well, JJ, the US Attorney that worked with me left me no doubt as to the energies he dedicated to white collar crime. In the case I referenced, it took essentially just one person to testify that the perps had said what they said. It was verbal, but then translated into receipts. But the essence of the direct and cross were all about what was said. In the tfg case, 100 million persons heard what he said, over and over and over. A dead person could make the connection. This is no tirade against more informed legal views. Just a nattering against injustice.
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