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Everything posted by nbmishoid

  1. It is known, Safe. The habit of arguing against absurd wrongs runs fairly deep hereabouts.
  2. Many bleats: send me money, for my pursuit of the stolen election. Then comes the many emails endorsed by tfg saying same. Ditto. Money comes. Everyone, tfg included, knew it was a lie. I, for one, don’t accept for a nano second that he did not falsely ask for that money, by mail. 10 years.
  3. She likely meant a person who considers themselves decent, polite, that kind of thing. You surely pass for that person on the whole. It is jarring for many to see that word used, as you well know the reason why.
  4. Way back when, 1980, we were on our honeymoon touring the various Hawaiian islands, and finished off at Waikiki. Flush with ourselves, we bought some “art”. Fast forward 10 years and the wife sees this gallery on 60 minutes, about faking the authenticity of some art pieces. We contact the US Attorney’s office there, and in a few months we were having an all expense paid trip to Honolulu so I could be a Big Witness in this case. I simply testified what they told us, to get us to spend. Those turned out to be lies, and our sales agent and the Big Boss whose hand we shook got 10 years. Mail fraud, as we had kept the paperwork. The headline ran “A New Mexico man…”, which pissed me off, but we were living in Hobbs at the time. I only bring up this embarrassing and charming tale to question just why Trumps statements to get money, and the lie behind item, don’t fit this model? Surely the lie is his, his principally, that he compelled his minions to use.
  5. 1:48 was as far as I could make it. This is what we are up against.
  6. Having thresholds for “ok to murder” is still fairly shitty. Hope your day improves.
  7. Don’t care because one is not the target demo. True hero of the republic. Brave, brave Sir Robin.
  8. Who the fuck is driving 28 miles to Lampasas to hassle some rednecks? No shortage of them locally.
  9. Each time NC was on tv last year, FUPM looked like he was about to croak. Mishtress took to calling him Fat Mack. Don’t see how he makes it another season without a stroke or cardiac arrest.
  10. Yea, the thin black line.
  11. Been with a teacher for a month, and he set me into knowing all the triads and running them up and down chromatic scales. And reducing these to thirds and repeating. When done in G/‘Em the middle strings are all in tune with any partial chord. A freakin’ miracle, right? Point being, I used Chord Namer to name (usually 3 names at least) all these open string third pair combinations. Just endless. Irritated the heck out of the mishtress yesterday just going up and down the neck fingerpicking all these mashup, multinamed, always sounding right chords and progressions. And there I got some hint about what the neck board is about.
  12. nbmishoid


    It’s not the beer we care about
  13. Mack’s next defensive guru? A la Manny _iaz
  14. Good news, apparently, but what will be the other shoe dropping that makes us has sad.
  15. True, but it’s not sinful
  16. 12 yeats ago, during my AC days. I directly asked Fenves, then Dean of Engineering, what UT’s defense was going to be. He made a speech to the point it just wouldn’t happen. Wrong. Wrong about Charley Strong, too, Greg
  17. Pain management clinics. Not simply oxymoronic.
  18. 12 years go, while on the PEGS advisory committee, all of the industry reps pounded the dept to recruit a more diverse student and graduate profile. My company was the largest taker of these grads, and UT was our largest source. These turds are making sure UT cannot produce the graduates our hiring industries want. I imagine when Hartzell opined this to the board he was told to STFU or walk.
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