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Everything posted by nbmishoid

  1. Thank you so much for that. Useful in so many settings.
  2. I’m wondering when this shit show will make me burn my diploma.
  3. Twice Upthread you asked whether professional violations should be proven. As asked, you got agreement. But what is “proven”? In criminal cases, the bar is set so that any reasonable uncertainty has been ruled out. But being de-professionalized is not the same as jail. If the civil standard of “probable” is too low, why? Why not “reasonably certain” or some such? From all this discussion it strikes many that assholes who would be run off of any other job get to keep wrecking shit. Why must society tolerate that, for only one or two professions? They can work at Burger King, or CVS.
  4. The only Penn law grad I’ve known was working as a realtor… in Fl. Definitely smart and way aggressive, but her ophthalmologist husband was the prioritized bread winner.
  5. 5 yr chart is a layover. 10 yr very much in CVX favor. One could speculate later and insincere adoption of esg type strategies hurt XOM in comparison. Who knows, but it can’t be said it hurt CVX, so as a general rule one cannot say these ideas hurt. Like being honest, respectful of local communities, etc.
  6. P I don’t think that is clearly linked. CVX was mentioned above. The last 2 chairmen have made esg equivalent strategies top priorities. And CVX has not underperformed. XOM has been, typically, a bit behind this curve. And they have underperformed.
  7. I guess the list of downsides of playing to the public was longer than I thought. That’s why you play with a partner, no, to draw the fire?
  8. Just pulling your chain, doc.
  9. Trying to forget that, but there it is. One more 19 for 49 is gonna sink his stock big time. Not forecasting that, not hoping on that, but it remains a possibility for QE/Sark
  10. Surely. But once the monkeys learned these combat tactics, they weren’t going to unlearn them. If you go, park in the farthest away space, and take a long loop around the battleground
  11. Terima kasih. I don’t learn fast but I learn real good.
  12. CVS ai thing that answers the phone and processes refills. Designed in Korea, by ikea
  13. Right there on encyclopedia Yahoo. They set up some sort of guillotine that cut both their heads off, and rolled the heads into their fireplace to burn. Now, again, where you goin with this?
  14. Maybe pigs fly, Jesus.
  15. Now I won’t be able to get that Madame Librarian out of my mind…
  16. Interesting story out about a couple beheading themselves, as some sort of sacrifice. When I say it would be cool, you know what I mean.
  17. Plenty of open dudes, but hardly always. He surely looks down the field. It would be nice to back the secondary off this year.
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