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Everything posted by nbmishoid

  1. Yes, it does. Take $. But, much less than one might think.. The main issue for almost everyone is getting a job out of Texas. Not everyone will get recruited, so there will be a long wait for most. But after that wait….
  2. Seattle winters are long and dark, due to the 48 degree latitude. But the ocean both moderates temps in the winter but provides lots of rain. We get just a bit more rain annually than Houston, almost all Nov-April. But the beauty does not abate for one second during the winter. We’re here for the beauty.
  3. Seattle downtown has had a setback, but not the regional metro area, which is 90% of the place. And Seattle’s issues have much to do with the pandemic. Something like 2700 small shops and restaurants closed due to no customers. Shopping patterns change. And there are the homeless. Still best place I’ve ever lived.
  4. Elections hereabouts are never unanimous. And, jokes aside, no one here is is undefeated. Society’s collective view is in fact represented, blunt instrument that it is, via elections, and laws enacted by our collective representatives. For those that don’t afterward support said laws, there are other elections and other societies. Back to the op topic, society’s collective view is that it is worth the lives of these kids, and all the gun suicides, to keep our eyes on the prize of most guns possible. Plenty to not like for all when it comes to important stuff.
  5. Well, to start with, society’s collective view on what is needed next. Is your forever cry fair game?
  6. Well we all are above average.
  7. Well, it depends, like in consideration of all qualities, the inherent good lies not in the word “equality”, but in the purpose it serves. Our federal outlays are about 40-45% of gdp. Euro countries around 50%. A flat tax penalizes almost everyone except for the top tax payers. So, the problem with your idea of equality is that it does not serve fairness. It’s not the words, Fattie. It is the purposed served. Folks have been on this message for awhile now.
  8. Fattie is also for a flat tax, which reveals his contempt for the poor, and is itself reflective of contempt for society in general.
  9. Twice Be our guest, go ahead and give your personal views on the right and wrong of things. In addition to your educational efforts. You won’t turn to stone.
  10. And those 500 felons shot up how many schools?
  11. But you have a much greater than mean income. Your contribution should reflect that.
  12. So, Fatty, it is about the money. The welfare queens. The dregs. Your fellow citizens. Your fellow members of society. Also, there’s a technical view that it is not, in fact, your money. Issuance before redemption, and all that. But you just don’t want to support societal improvement. Not with money. With endless bullshit, you seem yo think. You are not helping the world. Get off the bus.
  13. Christ, man, anything with a 3 handle in jeans is ok!
  14. Fucking of course not. We have 3 antiques my wife inherited. But no ammo. I doubt they would be safe to shoot without cleaning.
  15. But, we really must leave it to the legal system alone. It’s the best we’ve got, better than the rest. Doesn’t work, but, whatever.
  16. Well, the facts were pretty hard on Donziger. He seemed to think anything can be attempted in using courts to extort boogeymen corporations.
  17. Regressive taxes, most “mandatory” government, and zero hope or possibility of positive change. That is the formula for success. Amirite?
  18. You have me stumped - the usual outcome
  19. Agreed. But the boomer crew change numbers add up.
  20. Frank I used to. Never morbidly obese, I maxed at 220 for a person who should be 165 or 170. Was on weight loss efforts 6 or 8 times. The older I got, the less the prior calorie counting coefficient held. At about late 50’s I started into biking, 100 mile events, etc. At peak training I was burning 2000+ calories just on the bike daily. And then it took 10 times as many calories to lose a pound as the last time. Yes, I recorded everything, as I was serious about the bike and the weight was one component. So, the data was good. So I learned, personally, that how hard it is to lose weight, how many calories out versus in, varies with time, varies with exercise regimen, and surely varies among people. So I became, as a consequence, more aware of this other, broadly held and scientifically informed viewpoint. Even my biking coaches said the 1 calorie in = 1 out was b.s. I was surprised to see my view change, I have to admit. As a former engineer, the energy balance idea just HAD to be right. Note to self, when something HAS to be right, then that just means it seems obvious, and only merits superficial examination. And superficial examination yields high error rates.
  21. Mac, sooner or later we all think of retirement. I think she sees this as a nice off ramp. I wonder if she sees risk to the mayor remaining D? Doesn’t sound reasonable.
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