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Everything posted by nbmishoid

  1. Now we have a standard. The Auschwitz diet. Also, the imprisonment diet, generally. It’s not a surprise that most people would not or could not submit to these approaches. Or joining the marines. The list of silly ideas is at least amusing. User name checks out.
  2. But, 100%. Except for those that wash out, I.e. the whole goddam thing didn’t work. Wulaw, whatever else, you have patience.
  3. Ok, when I retired we happened to be in Houston, the last of a dozen places. And we moved to a condo in Austin for “fun” and as a possible place to stay. And within 7 months were outathere for Seattle. What with the Tex legislature trends I wonder if the outbound from Texas numbers will go up.
  4. Just went to the Collings site. Mercy. I could be in trouble. A dealer across the water in Fremont….
  5. Right now I’m only playing the Taylor cedar. My old Yairi just doesn’t compete. So, after disposing of a few, I will be looking for a non Taylor dreadnought or Jumbo that pleases me as much as the 714. For another room, etc. As a crip, I don’t like toting guitars around, unless I have to. I see the Gibson guy from Bozeman joined Guild.
  6. Just a shout out for the Cialdini reference. So, it doesn’t work 100%
  7. Can you say a bit more how it played and sounded, vs some reference std?
  8. Yeah, well. In Sumatra we got talked into a cricket match, yanks vs aussies and brits. We got smoked. The batting motion is not nearly similar.
  9. One of my all time favorite albums.
  10. Reek for VP. Pretty much how tag will run the selection. Well done, sir.
  11. Outside of Tx and FL, is there a bigger pos?
  12. Last time Anc, 4-5 hrs ago, it was no longer there. I would assume they packed it up and moved to Phx. Assume you drive by on the way to and from church.
  13. GABC opened during our time there. Greatness. This was on 5th or so, near the Sheraton, forgot the name.
  14. When we were in Luanda and the kids were in school in the UK, we met them in Faro and toured by car for three weeks. Outside of the Algarve we stayed at Posadas, which are owned by the State, and are typically castles, old convents, hunting lodges, etc. We reserved these way in advance. We toured all the way to the northern border, listening to local Radio Nostalgia, and a triple Taj Mahal cd. Spoke a fair amount of Portuguese so could operate most anywhere so didn’t need to restrict where we wanted to explore. Definitely visit Cintra if one is in Lisbon. Espanol speakers will have no problem. Go to ground for as long as you can. Folks are wonderful in Portugal and any attempt to deal with them in Portuguese is rewarded.
  15. As have I, before we were married, in Anchorage, and she bought me a table dance.
  16. It would easily be above a billion if not multiple billions. There are a handful of pieces of art known universally like David and Mona Lisa. If it actually became available for purchase there would be no shortage of billionaires or governments lining up to purchase it no matter the price. Speaking as one who has seen it up close, the reaction is simply this is the greatest sculpted work of art by man, period. Maybe the best possible. This is its power for education. As an object lesson in excellence par excellence. Of course, examining and processing excellence, as a learned experience, is not really in the interests of the right. It really needs to be blotted out as a concept. Replaced by most outrageous.
  17. nbmishoid


    Firstly, they can’t spell it. Wasn’t taught at Christian academy, or from the home school materials.
  18. Taking over from Secretary of the Treasury Green.
  19. R’s do not want to contribute financially to society through collective effort. They are against every tax increase, no matter the purpose ( outside of punishing alternative energy).
  20. But the dems hurt you financially. You were asked to enumerate , but you demurred.
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