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Everything posted by nbmishoid

  1. Beautiful family. I naturally miss that time of life.
  2. Keep the reminders coming, if you can.
  3. Go on. Is that like, taking on a different gender?
  4. nbmishoid


    Ron ought to outlaw churches, if there were anything but hate involved In his choices.
  5. This story left my wife and I depressed. Now Reagan, Connolly, and Barnes, plus the campaign team, were pieces of shit. The absolute moral collapse of,Republican leadership goes way back. I am particularly sick of my vote for Reagan over Carter. Have been for many years. There were threads on prior boards that were just hateful and thoughtless on Carter. Don’t see much of that, now. But that’s this board.
  6. Well, undergrad was Trinity, so what do you expect? Clemson turns out to be their aggy. Something something bowling ball.
  7. Retired to Seattle in 2011, lived in Magnolia. Moved to Bainbridge in 2018. First lesson is to learn the fundamentals of the ferries. Don’t do your summer BI trip on the weekend, as thousands of others are doing that day trip and the ferries get overwhelmed. Due to maintenance issues the Bremerton line is down to one boat until October so a lot of that commute traffic volume has migrated to the Winslow dock. Come over early, spend the night, leave by mid day. Or, during the week, just run counter to the commute: to BI in the morning, back to Settle in the evening. But Bainbridge Is and the Kitsap peninsula + Olympic peninsula have much to offer, in terms of beauty, getting out to nature, etc.
  8. Sure, we wished for more last year. Plenty of rational talk about why certain games went poorly. But the simplest explanation for the Alabama and OU performances (throws) is that this kid has some vivid talent. It’s reasonable to expect relatively more vivid performances next season. Or, we wish for more.
  9. Mrs W, you are a treasure to this board. And this is the first I’ve heard of Shame Eater. A sadder term to learn than Ditch Pig, but both terms are now to be used.
  10. Was a thread on Music where Jimmy Buffet came in for some harsh judgement. Can’t help but thinking “ Come Tuesday, it’s gonna be alright”, for a moment.
  11. I think, or I wish cast, that preparations will be more robust going forward. Meaning, Police Chiefs etc are going to have to take extra precautions that their people will do their duty. That sure sound like a silly wish, I admit.
  12. My memory is poor. She did go there, and I conflated that memory with the rare good season memory. Now carry on, Mr 956, sir.
  13. I would say his commitment to better the world is his fundamental position, and that is not misguided. Secondly, his honest assessments of the goals and impacts of US policy have been mostly right, during a long time when much of us assessed the same with too much coloring in our glasses. And as you say, he is very thoughtful. None of this is misguided. True, he quite bizarrely sees any hierarchy as a means to evil power. He was never a Cub Scout den mother. And his views on epistemology are unreadable. Misguided is to be working for evil while thinking or being deluded by the opposite. That is our friends on the right. I would trade any of them for a bunch of Chomsky’s.
  14. In the case of desantis refusing extradition, wouldn’t the US Marshall’s, backed by about 200 federal agents armed to the teeth, just come and buscar the s.o.b. And force the SS detail to give him up or face arrest as well.
  15. One of my sisters was in grad school at SC In Columbia, the year they won it all back in the late 70’s. She said their main cheer was “Nobody can beat our ‘Cocks!” Carry on.
  16. So now we are rooting for tfg to NOT die, but to keep on keeping on. Life just gets stranger.
  17. Until that time, Twice, it is the only act, of our own, that feels a bit like justice. Please allow us that. Thank you
  18. Agreed on the monkeys. A trip to the cape in South Africa, as beautiful as it was, was a bit marred by the pitched battle in the parking lot among the monkeys and the folks trying to get in or out of their cars.
  19. But her intent was clear to all who had eyes and ears, and other perceptive capacity. She was doing her intent on live national tv. Same with tfg.
  20. Again, I appreciate the responses. I see what you both mean about procedural details. My layperson astonishment is that the stupidity defense actually has weight. Ignorance of the law is no defense, so the TV attorneys say. But stupidity is a possibly credible defense. Not asking you to change things. But does this not seem crazy?
  21. Not so stupid as to prevent a successful law school result. Not so stupid as to fail the bar. Are these not presumptive barriers to claiming stupidity? Same in Trump’s case, where thee freaking POTUS claims not to know the real election result. These seem to me just not possible. Thus transparently wrong as a defense. Help me ou gain, Twice. How ridiculous must a defense be to be, IDK, rejected, pissed on, etc, don’t know the legal expression.
  22. Well, I suppose the court cases will have to deal with whether, even under these new laws, they had real reasons to do this. Help, lawdogs. Also, my youngest grandkid will be entering HISD. I don’t want her groomed.
  23. In NYT this a.m., I’ll summarize. The National Science and Engineering Foundations have issued guidelines on genetics related research papers, to the effect that racial terms and parameters should not be used in papers, as they are poor and typically misleading proxies for true genetic diversity. It has taken longer than expected, but this is now the strong view of organized science. Next act by Texas legislature? Forbid state universities from having their faculties accept fellowships from these most prestigious of all science and engineering societies. Watch the exits.
  24. nbmishoid


    That’s your law degree steering you astray
  25. nbmishoid


    No, he is saying that the folks in question watch women’s sports only for the sexual appeal, and trans women, you know….
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