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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by nbmishoid

  1. Does one have to be a cash member to use the link, or will it work for us scabs?
  2. We get Fozzy and Galindo. Like old times on LHN.
  3. I had a 76 Scout, in 1981. A rusted out clunker. Super props to Walz
  4. If that happens, we’ll mow thru that OU, Jawja sequence.
  5. Great. And thanks. Will it be some address or button available from the football board?
  6. I’d bet we see it for another 10 elections. Our society can’t turn down the candy, once accustomed to it.
  7. I didn’t imply conspiracy theory by bringing up two examples. I don’t think that way. I hope Quinn is back in two weeks rather than 4 or 5. I hope the strain is minor rather than average. We all do. I find Sarks messaging most interesting. He may be telling us now that it’s minor. Or he’s doing coach speak to the opponents. I’m not criticizing either.
  8. No scandal. And being critiqued is part of posting. These data simply contrast with the “day to day” sark message, and Nahlin, as an example, being sure it’s minor. Hope it is.
  9. I’m speaking to those who think or write this injury is little cause for concern, for the team or for Quinn. We all hope that is the case, but relevant stats about this injury type say the norm is weeks of recovery. Admitting the existence of relevant data, and incorporating that into one’s outlook, is not controversial, outside of certain peculiar professions.
  10. Nahlin is pure wishcasting. The fact they have spent zero effort investigating the possibilities of this injury bely their very rose,colored glasses.
  11. More from no doc. Oblique strins are the 5th most common injury in the NFduckin L. Recovery time in weeks. Sarkis trolling the next opponents. And the fans, a bit. There is a view that non contact or non structural injuries can’t be bad. The crew is I have a muscle injury last year turn chronic. Worse than ever now. Which is not the point, I’m not the example. The numbers from baseball and the NFL are cause for concern. maybe this was just a,scratch. Didn’t look like that. Pa smotrem
  12. No doc here, but oblique strains are throwing injuries, well known in baseball.35 day avg recovery time for pitchers, 26 for position players.Don’t know how those translate here. Probably lucky to have him by OU. Can’t play til this is fully healed, else reinjury.
  13. At the very top of this profession, that level of pay is measly. we don’t get great refs because it’s a crap profession.
  14. I had forgotten about that. Game over, man, game over!
  15. When I first voted, as a UT freshman (for McGovern/contra Nixon), I think Texas had 28 EV’s. Too many assholes have moved there, apparently. This just couldn’t be home grown Nazi shit.
  16. Wrong, period. Try Doug Sahm’s version of Roger’s “Invitation to the Blues”. I went to see Roger in 1970 at the Ft Hood NCO club ballroom, with my retired Sgt. Major Dad, then Postman (on Ft Hood). Roger got heckled plenty. I guess that was you.
  17. Walz’ regular guy persona and as said above beguiling manner of persuasion make him unique in this field. Worth several million votes. Will there be a VP debate? CSM teacher state champ coach vs Public Affairs Corporal, Yale Law, tech boi, and hater of the U S. Talk about contrast
  18. I don’t support Q for his acting skills nor politics. I’m blind as a bat to those dimensions. Just win, baby.
  19. Just about everyone but Ohio State. Not bad for a start. I’ve worried all off season about who we lost, but am hell bent excited to watch this crew.
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