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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by nbmishoid

  1. I have come avoid the word “normal” in almost any setting. Possibly offfensive.
  2. Doesn’t want to see. Or want to think. Or know. Just believe.
  3. Like the death and taxes cartoon on that thread. Certain.
  4. Kinda goes with Red Solo Cup
  5. Won’t change ranchers minds re climate change. Biden fault.
  6. The same with engineering, computer science, medicine etc. Because of high bars these professionals are well paid but underrepresented via minorities, (broadly speaking). The pipeline, as you refer, takes years and decades to develop. Now it’s illegal. What a world.
  7. Yes, even 10 years ago, before I retired, this was the case at my big oil co. One thing I was proud of. The whole climate disaster, not so much.
  8. Well, face it. UT has the rep as a white place, very white. Black folks preferences nowadays seem to be much much less about assimilation and much more about a more relevant experience. Thus HCBU’s, northern schools, etc.
  9. VY 1, VY 2, …VY 5, Colt 6,….
  10. That part can be fixed by tax legislation.
  11. In other words, I have data and experience that national health care does work
  12. If Biden wins, split guy means no new FIT
  13. I’m on Medicare, I disagree
  14. Meme is a memorable, transferable idea
  15. That’s a lot of lines in the sand. The word I’m thinking is……. Intolerant
  16. Well, you’d be surprised about the flight of fancy thing. But I think we’ve mutually clarified. Sure, the world influences our idea making, fundamentally. But not in every case..
  17. Add to this he fucking hates Biden.
  18. Only Noem checks his boxes.
  19. Ok, before animals.
  20. Yea, Brisket, I was just wishcasting
  21. And that should be the straw….
  22. Sure, gravity and the celestial bodies existed. But names, rotation models, and the like ideas, and these ideas didn’t exist absent man. Talking about ideas, man.
  23. This is a Platonist take. The other view is we created it all. The evidence supports the latter. There is no place for these ideas to reside except for brains.
  24. In math, you are taking the Platonist view, that abstract mathematical objects and theorem solutions exist “out there” in some ideal space. While a serious position the problems are obvious. Ideas did not exist absent people. That does not prevent us from favoring an idea as “obviously favorable, or “true”.
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