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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Bartles

  1. I think they did, at least as a successful indie touring act. "Let it Burn" is another good one. Live show was really high energy, too. Like Deej said, I could totally see this behavior from all kinds of performers going unpunished. But with social media and MeToo, these guys are finished.
  2. Indie rock band. This song got a lot of play a couple years ago
  3. I thought these guys did an amazing live show and were really talented musicians. I happened to talk with a band member's relative beforehand, and he mentioned the lead singer was kind of out of control and thought of himself as a Jim Morrison type. Now recently a number of women have alleged he and other members of the group engaged in various sex crimes in addition to generally being assholes. Sounds like much of the Chicago music community wasn't wild about them either. They announced on Twitter on Aug 29 they are disbanding, and canceled their fall tour. Twitter doc compiles allegations
  4. I hate these fucking things, never come close to winning. Just signed up and paid
  5. Ham's posts should have gone first, would make more sense. Bear is Chris Fallica, I think his stuff is informative. At least he brings info and not trying to be an actor or something. No idea what his pick-record is, but he always has solid reasoning for it. He's a Miami-Fla fan as I recall
  6. I like the Bear point spread stuff, and they may bump that content up now that it's being legalized.
  7. Hopefully Meyer's weekly teleconferences and press conferences are full of specific questions following up on this report. It wouldn't surprise me if he does away with his press conference once he comes back.
  8. They're gonna get torn apart by columnists and some women's groups. Not knowing what triggers a report in 2015 is inexcusable. It won't affect their 2018 season, but the way they botched the whole affair will linger. This is not a model program, and everyone outside Columbus knows that now. Any year they lose 2-3 games the heat will get turned up fast. And the AD probably slinks away next spring.
  9. Like I posted earlier, I predict the 9/29 GameDay from State College will have a somber sit-down with Rinaldi, who will ask tough questions but Urban will easily deflect them. Then cut to a panel including Laura Rutledge and Maria Taylor talking about how difficult it is for abused wives to escape their situations. Then later in the show, another panel including Herbstreit to emphasize that none of the current players have anything to do with this situation, and it's good to be back talking football again. Here's how the Bucks' front will shut down McSorley tonight etc etc
  10. That is a weird theory, I mean he plainly offered to let her read it alongside him. Although it would point to her starting to realize what a shitbag he is. I was struck that he managed to get out of bed and leave the house for probably at least an hour and all she said in the morning was, "You slept late." She's smarter than that imo.
  11. McMurphy probably has reported everything up to now, but if the whitewash report contains any blatant lies, he probably has the evidence and would publish that within a day or two. But it would have to really be a smoking gun to reverse the verdict.
  12. College GameDay already blocking off a segment for the stern-faced sit-down with Tom Rinaldi on 9/29 at Penn State
  13. Add "Ability to have a civil unwinding of message board spats" to your very long list of why Texas is a better brand than Ohio State
  14. Past 5 pm in Ohio. Maybe the latest McBomb the other night has thrown their timeline off
  15. Holy shit plz no...I wouldn't even be happy if that call helped my team
  16. To re-phrase was some of you have pointed out to Parly, Brett McMurphy is not some puppet master here. Ohio State holds ALL the cards in terms of what information gets released and when. By saying absolutely nothing for three weeks, not to mention Zach/lawyer/mother-in-law foolish outbursts, they are leaving the microphone wide open for McMurphy or anyone else to continue to expose their issues. As I recall, Penn State and Maryland actually did put their main fires out within days of the scandals going public. Baylor did a half-ass thing where they acknowledged some crimes but has never really came all the way clean. Ohio State looks like they are more on the Baylor path.
  17. Simply having an "active" sex life would be a private detail not worth reporting on. Doing it in the football offices (fireable), with a co-worker (fireable) and getting it on video (maybe illegal or at least reckless) makes it kinda relevant to the matter of whether Urban Meyer should have kept this nutcase on the staff. Which is what Brett McMurphy is reporting on.
  18. Went through the new Death Cab full album one time. It's fine but pretty reminiscent of Plans and maybe others. I'm happy to have new DCFC music, was just hoping for something more daring after a long layoff. But I'll be there for the tour in a couple months.
  19. You have to think McMurphy/Courtney got some kind of ammo ready for whenever tOSU finally releases its ruling on the whole thing. Like if they don't fully come clean, an hour later the opposite evidence is gonna be on Stadium.
  20. Worth noting that McMurphy has a full time job with WatchStadium now that his ESPN salary has run out. And Stadium is well funded, looking to make a splash in the world of college sports. This is like when Yahoo had a hold of the Miami scandal. They will play this hand for maximum payoff.
  21. And again, the clock is ticking on ESPN.com - and all the others besides SI.com who posted right away - two hours and counting with no mention of this bombshell reported by a lil' ole reporter with only 180,000 Twitter followers
  22. I pretty much always have a drink in hand when I play, so no way I could keep track of all that. Also sounds like a way to piss off the other players and dealers who are trying to keep things moving.
  23. They can always use his media day lie-fest to suspend him for "failure to uphold university standards" or something. But I'm a slight lean towards he gets booted, though it may not legally be described as firing him.
  24. Can't imagine ESPN not making Duke-KY the 9 pm game, with MSU-KU earlier
  25. To me, Hopkins is a lock, not a lean. Zeke and Hopkins are both top 10ish picks, so may as well preserve your first three live picks. Wentz is great if you are thinking you can ride him his whole career in your league, but that's risky with a QB.
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