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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Bartles

  1. This is nice work by Surly members keeping everything in this thread so far. In the old days, there would have been two Herman-Urban threads going in addition to this one, with posters saying they saw something about Jason Day in the title so they didn't read this one. 🙌
  2. Leak? This isn't the fucking Pentagon Papers. Courtney Smith publicly filed a protection order against Zach Smith on July 23, McMurphy asked about it the following week at media day which is when Urban himself caused the whole thing to mushroom by trying to stonewall it. Maybe Herman and others gave him some valuable background, but the case is right there for everyone to see. Except the part about what OSU did in response to the 2015 police actions, which they still refuse to address. I guess this is progress though, maybe some Bucks can stop blaming a domestic violence victim and shift their anger to a football coach.
  3. Friday news report. I bet Guice still gets drafted in a bunch of fantasy leagues by the do-no-homework crowd
  4. Phillies got Justin Bour from MIA for a reliever who was just promoted to AA. Probably platoon at 1B with Carlos Santana who has been a pretty big disappointment for $20 million. Ballsy move, I really like that they are serious about contention this year without ditching any quality prospects.
  5. I have to think that sequence was just poking the audience with a "Wait, is that Walter?" moment. That was my thought briefly but I quickly remembered Walt had hair in BB/Season 1 so it wasn't him. But the neighborhood and the wide shot could easily trick a viewer.
  6. This and BB do an amazing job of creating a sense of dread in the slow scenes. The entire open was like that: ditzy lady fumbling to enter Gene's info, random guy taking a seat in waiting room just before he leaves, and of course the cab ride. And they needed a good actor for the cab driver, I wouldn't jump to conclusions that he's coming back.
  7. Key to that article is the emphasis on the physical structure of the stadium, which is true. I bet Miami is near the top now due to the re-design of the Dolphins stadium where all the noise bounces right back into the bowl.
  8. Woj and several other writers point out that hardly any players will hire the agent, go undrafted and come back to school. They obviously want to turn pro, and it's better to do that as a 19-year-old or whatever rather than go back to college ball where it's rare to increase your draft value much from one year to the next - while obviously becoming a year older. Those kids will just try to land in G League, Summer League, international. Most of us college fans have this romantic idea that the kids would rather come back to campus and be part of a Sweet 16 push or whatever. But the reality is they want to get paid (NBA or otherwise) and the age clocks are always ticking.
  9. Another Sixers top pick to miss several months with an injury...Zhaire Smith the dreaded Jones fracture
  10. I wouldn't shoot Parliament, but where is that douche who (to his credit) started an IRL rally at Penn State featuring Franco Harris, and was later banned from Shaggy for some other thing? Can we talk about how pretty much every major program has a vocal minority of fucking morons? We don't need 500 pages of whatever these bozos are doing Also FWIW, USA Today's Wolken said Zeke Elliott's dad was at this rally
  11. I'm assuming that since Z Smith all of a sudden started popping up on air minutes after the Urban statement was tweeted, the lawyers must have communicated beforehand, and presumably Urban's guy was fine with Zach being out there as the public face of the Urban camp for the moment.
  12. I can't believe Urban's lawyer agreed to let the wife beater go on a media junket within minutes of releasing their statement. Great guy to have in your corner.
  13. I guess he means he's taking the approach that lying to unexpected questions at media day is less egregious than failing to follow university policy for three years. But he'll need the OSU admin to back him up on that. Could be the equivalent of the Penn State AD conversations with the school VP where they admit they discussed Sandusky but offer no specifics and everyone is left guessing.
  14. They could argue that women who interacted with Zack Smith on campus were in danger because no one reported his wife abuse, regardless of where that took place. Doubt it comes to this but it's an obvious danger zone for the school
  15. Let's not go sucking Gene Smith's dick just yet. This is exactly what Penn State (and maybe Baylor?) did - wait until it was a media firestorm, then canned the coach and hired Pepper Hamilton. Michigan State is like "Hey, look at our particle collider! Isotope beams, you guys!"
  16. Story is on CBS, Yahoo and NBCSports.com among others. ESPN top news item is about sexual assault at....Idaho
  17. As I understand it, many of them were free to work elsewhere but they would have to forfeit their hefty ESPN salaries. CBS, etc don't invest much in journalism and could not offer anywhere near the money. So some writers like McMurphy and Andy Katz (NCAA.com) have to do their writing on sites that don't compete with ESPN.com. So ironically, he is being well paid by ESPN to tear into Ohio State and publish his work independently.
  18. Seems like Ohio State clearly covered up and prioritized football much higher than the welfare of women on campus. I assume Pepper Hamilton is in the on deck circle. Another shameful thing is that Brett McMurphy has to do journalism from a Facebook account due to his non-compete clause after being laid off at ESPN. We'll see if ESPN.com even covers this story as it develops.
  19. I love the show, think this was the best season. The crazy game with all the fights was better than EMCC's crazy fight game. On the coaches, I prefer Brown all day - he's somewhat entertaining and he knows he's a clown that no one likes. His first comment to the team after their biggest win was "They said I can't coach!" or something self-serving. And after a loss, he singles out a player to blame. But Buddy tried to be this pious leader who should get a statue someday, I found myself rooting against him as opposed to Brown. Here's a nitpick I wonder if anyone else has noticed: I think they have the radio guy re-record some play by play in post-production. There are so many game comments that are just too perfect for the situations, like "He really needs to secure the football here" followed by a fumble. Oh and one last random theory: The female trainer just happened to come over from the same small school as Coach Brown. They never said much about his love life. Hmmmm
  20. Do you have a more specific location? There's a lot in Scottsdale, Tempe, etc and downtown PHX can be OK. Crescent Ballroom near downtown was a good spot to eat/drink and see a band. But be warned they are notoriously diligent and tough hunting for DUIs.
  21. ^ Goes against the "ESPN only pumps up the SEC" chatter Also I agree with it, their top 5 would have beaten all those Bama teams more often than not
  22. No SEC teams among top 5... I like it
  23. She is Austin native Christy Cones
  24. Couple links: Gerogia racist rep asked to resign immediately - he still has a few months left on his term Art dealer from first episode is from Austin
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