Maybe the communities should be allowed to decide? Since teams are trying to draw 2 million+ local fans, maybe they should build a facility that those people want to visit regularly? As opposed to October weddings 1,500 miles away.
Philly, NYC, Boston, Chicago, Baltimore, DC...I don't think a dome has ever been seriously considered for any MLB or NFL team in those cities. Without CR'ing this (read: definitely CR), spending a ton of money on an unpopular facility that will run up massive energy bills is not going to fly right now in most large cities.
It is absolutely true Game 3 could have been played just by starting four hours earlier, a decision which could have been made on Sunday. It's also true that one of these days, a northern host is gonna have multiple cancellations and games played under 40 degrees. Those are two completely different problems, but neither will ever change. Good news - the rest of this week will be beautiful here in Philly.