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Everything posted by wackawacka

  1. My company has a moz account if you want me to look it up. If a real domain that is being used, site traffic matters for valuation. If not, the valuation of domain names is completely made up. I bought our company domain from someone squatting on it for ~$20k (high value name/wording). Our lawyers told us is usually cost $100k+ for these type domains so don't worry about low balling the shit out of it.
  2. Average at best skier and able to snowboard. Going all in on the hobby and only have rented skis and snowboard. Tell me what I should buy and where/how! I have irregularly skied for past ~20 yrs and have snowboard a handful of times. Like both equally but probably slightly better with skiing. My type of skiing is just going down the mountain so no cross country or crazy technical. I have always rented but willing to invest given amount of time I am going to spend now.
  3. ??!! https://www.threads.net/@meidastouch/post/CyzaJzSRxVF
  4. I would not trust my safety to this guy at all. I am shocked people still will buy Tesla given his instability.
  5. Didn't he advocate that the US needs a Myanmar coup? How is he not in jail?
  6. Would love some chili right now. damn, I am missing food in Texas
  7. thots and yoga poses. 🙏
  8. Jim Jordan, I heard nothing. Matt Gaetz, Don't stop there, go on.
  9. Yeah, I ran M&A/investments at an O&G adjacent company for short time. It was aggressively O&G that even our partners (e.g. Goldman/ McKinsey) pulled me aside to talk about mgmt not saying those things.
  10. What are people's view about executives taking positions politically at work. I tend to think say nothing. Given recent events in Israel and somewhat in Ukraine, I wonder if it is reasonable. As background, senior person and we have an international team that are impacted by events in Israel. Do we talk to them or the company about it? Added complication - Employees if they are savvy (e.g. Ivy educated) which many are can look up where executives have donated money politically. I am the only one that has significant political donations.
  11. 100% Iran only ability to project power is via Hamas and Hezebolla. We (Israel) neuters Iran by taking out Hamas.
  12. Needs a Liz Cheney to sacrifice their potential career. Knowing you may get primaried but will go down in history as potentially a hugely successful politician.
  13. How low on weapons must you be if relying on North Korea. https://www.politico.eu/article/russia-north-korea-vladimir-putin-rail-traffic-military-trasfers/
  14. I get that logic from Russia but not like we are low on munitions and clearly can fight wars on multiple fronts. I don't get Hamas plan as there is already talk about does Gaza even exist after all this is resolved.
  15. 1234
  16. Supposedly? German citizen captured by Hamas... https://www.threads.net/@24hoursukraine/post/CyHTLbCMfiQ https://www.thefp.com/p/i-was-at-a-music-festival-when-the
  17. https://www.reuters.com/world/us-ready-offer-israel-support-after-attacks-biden-2023-10-07/ Basically no limits from Biden. US planes have already engaged Iran military that was in the area. This could escalate quickly.
  18. sadly, not much can be done especially if they process it smartly (e.g. Lay-offs or restructuring).
  19. consulting, finance, or engineer (programming). start there for 2-4 years post college then start your own company. or skip college and build a trade business. depends on risk profile. 1234
  20. https://foresight.is/templates/ we are technically VC backed...have VC conversations ongoing for secondary sales so have some knowledge of this market.
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