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Everything posted by wackawacka

  1. https://www.ft.com/content/ebba73d9-d319-4634-aa09-bbf09ee4a03b
  2. This wasn't to save SVB but the potential run on regional banks that were expecting huge outflows Monday AM. Lots of noise from law firms and large banks on safety of regionals to FDIC had to do something to stop the Lehman moment.
  3. are we here yet?
  4. 1234
  5. While I am not concerned about depositors mostly if not full whole, this is the short-term issue. Loan docs from VCs are circulating to fund payroll in many circles to help with short-term issue but that assumes you are on good terms with your VC or they are vultures when many are.
  6. I would expect 2 or 3 regional banks to also fail after this...all near to SVB customer base.
  7. Lulz Crytpo being taken down another notch by a bank failure.
  8. - FT Not sure why people are advocating for bail out unless they were caught on the wrong side the trade.
  9. The floor has been set per Bloomberg
  10. City hasn't bounced back. I usually feel a vibe shift when this comes to town. The city actually feels more dead than usual
  11. Venture analysis: ~67% of deposits easily covered 30% hard to market loans would need to be a haircut of 5%-10% for the deposits to be under water Most expect worse case that deposits take max 10% haircut but believe if not rapid sell off of loan portfolio then deposits will be made 100% whole. Issue is more timing of selling HTM loan portfolio
  12. a lot of start-up CFO or head of finance (my peer group) have no business being in that role. SF / bay area over indexes on right school and background vs who should be in the role. not enough gray hairs in the c-suite of many of these companies.
  13. they are still available Part of SVB requirements for their lending and debt facilities is placing majority of your deposits with them. While it was "cheap" money if you had VC backing, it required you to mostly bank solely with them.
  14. there is no buyer. pure piece meal asset sale. it is a shit show
  15. Bigger issue now talking with fellow CFOs is payroll processing and vendors (e.g., Rippling) use SVB.
  16. WHO IS SAYING CHASE SUCKS NOW!?! We bank with Chase so happy days for me
  17. I have a mix of herbs and random vegetables that I planted last weekend as seeds. I do the spray and pray method but already seeing small sprouts through the dirt.
  18. I expect this year to be flat or down but still piling all my extra cash into the market. YOLO!
  19. Lulz blaming regulators on crypto going down the toilet. The ponzi scheme unravels and people are crying because regulators didn't step in sooner and because they are stepping in to stop further frauds.
  20. wackawacka


    their Peking duck slams and goes hard
  21. team electric Ryobi mower. bought the cheaper model a few years ago because all the store had at the time. i wish the mower would die so would compel me to upgrade but keeps running like a champ
  22. In a rice cooker, rice plus cut sausage. When close to done, add greens (e.g., spinach, kale). Boring but extremely low effort.
  23. My wife is obsessed with fat-fire and likely do it in next year or two. I will likely work until I die, but I am am a masochist.
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