The fuck does "shi-drizzles" mean?
Sark's history with alcohol really brings out the true colors. For most normal people, overcoming an addiction is commendable and an indication of good character. There's always concern about a relapse, but most normal people will hope that an recovering alcoholic stays sober and assume the best. I see fans from other schools - even Aggies like Velvet Jones - act like normal people on the issue of Sark's alcoholism.
But there is a significant cohort who either assume that Sark will fall off the wagon, that Sark has already fallen off the wagon, or that Sark never stopped drinking at all. And what's more, they're rooting for these things and they are hoping they can pin the blame for any relapse on Texas. That our city, culture, boosters, and administration are so toxic that it will force Sark back into the bottle. These people are fueled by hate, lead bitter lives, and are generally terrible.
It is helpful to know who they are so I can avoid wasting my time trying to deal with them in good faith.