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Park Gothic

Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by Park Gothic

  1. I just do not understand how a person looks in the mirror and thinks “yes, this is the look for me.”
  2. Thank you. I appreciate the relentless positivity that @Wulaw Horn brings, but the idea that DL isn't one of the most important positions in CFB is insane. I get that circumstances differ and reasonable people can disagree, but it's arguably the most important position after QB. IDL and 3/5-tech DE make or break teams. If want to argue that OT or CB are more important I'll chalk that up to opinions, but you have to at least acknowledge that DL is in the conversation. Those Clemson teams from 2015 - 2020 had plenty of jags, but were successful because of elite QB play and monster DL. Downplaying the importance of DL is silly.
  3. You can say fuck on here. Fuck fuck fuck. This isn't church or the OTF board (or wherever you came from).
  4. Where the fuck do you two think you are? One of the cornerstones of this place is bitching about petty things on the internet. If I wanted mandatory positivity I'd go back to the LHN subreddit.
  5. Everyone knows that real Aggies let their mothers do their fighting for them. It's also HILARIOUS to me that these fucking goobers adopted the Jocko Willink “good” mantra. You know, the one where the HardAss Navy Seal™ says "good" every time something bad happens because it gives him a chance to confront a challenge? We stole their coach so obviously all these hardass totally not fake army Aggies just said "good" and moved on, right? No. Of course they didn't. They have whined and cried and pissed their pants. They've made up lies and threatened lawsuits to salve their rusty vaginas. They beg for pity from a completely hollow, fictitious, self-made moral high ground. They are less than pathetic. And I hope they never stop wallowing in it.
  6. He's this fucking close to calling A&M the iPhone of college baseball.
  7. Wow. So it's Schloss. Combining that tweet with Gerry's comment that the contract is signed seems pretty definitive.
  8. Man, I can't even get worked up about DL recruiting anymore. The intrigue's been sucked out of it. The process at that position seems to be about money, but it sounds like Sark doesn't want to pay market rates? Well then we're cooked. Am I missing something because it seems pretty simple. Bo Davis didn't do a great job* recruiting DL at Texas, but he seems to be doing a better job at LSU. Emphasis on "seems" because I'm sure someone will hear my concern as an invitation to a dick measuring contest that I don't care about. That's not what I'm getting at. My point is that if Davis struggled here and does better at LSU then maybe the problem isn't the DL coach. It sounds like from the top down we're not prioritizing the position monetarily, which is a fundamental issue. It's not that we don't have the money, it's that we don't want to spend it. My question to the people on this thread who know more than me is this - what can I, a run of the mill asshole, do about that? It's an honest question. I'm not a proponent of sternly worded emails or tweeting at CDC, but I'm willing to give it a shot if that will help. Laughing at @Hermanator's dumbass is great, but I'd rather be proactive. But if recruiting premium DL is about paying money - and Sark doesn't want to pay - then we're down to recruiting OKGs and hoping that Baker is a great developer. *Aside from some likely fool's gold in the 2022 class (jury's still out but I'm from Missouri)
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