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Park Gothic

Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by Park Gothic

  1. https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0661057/?ref_=nm_flmg_eps_tt_1 Only posting this because I'm pretty sure I'm not doxxing you.
  2. Is Jerry's grandson (Paxton Anderson) still on the team? He may be talking up Brooks the way he did with DMO.
  3. I asked Bobby about this on the OTF site. He said that it used to be the case, but he didn't think it was still happening for the '24 class.
  4. You could see it in almost every game - dude would be running down the sideline about to met by some DB and he would lay the fucking wood to him. Worthy wanted them to know that he was there to hit someone. I loved it. That's the exact kind of attitude I want our WR to have. Expect contact from us. The diva shit and having his hand out in the off season was grating. The dropped passes were rough. But I have never once seen that guy make a "business decision" when it came to how he played. Case in point:
  5. So.....sounds like this is bad news + we're bickering about whether people are thinking it's bad enough?
  6. There's got to be some sort of taboo about saying that Ohio State is doing anything right on that site. Or maybe the $9.95er just doesn't want to deal with the shitshow praising Ohio State would stir up.
  7. So what's the takeaway here about Kenny Baker? He doesn't have much experience, especially with recruiting at a high level. But it seems like he's done well at his prior coaching stops. I greatly appreciate @sith_horn's post about Baker's connection with Pete Jenkins - that's actually an important piece of information. Did Jenkins recommend Baker to Sark? I assume, based on Sark's relationship to Saban and Saban's relationship with Jenkins, that an endorsement from Jenkins would mean a lot. At least about Baker's ability to develop talent. But @closetojumping makes an excellent point about evaluating high school talent - if Baker can't evaluate high school talent, the DL room will suffer. We may pull blue chips due to NIL and the staff's recruiting chops as a whole, but if those guys are busts it won't mean shit in the fall. I'm not sure Baker has any experience evaluating and recruiting high level talent. None that I can see anyway. So it's not an obviously bad hire, but not an obviously good one. But isn't that, in and of itself, disappointing? Why are we gambling on an unknown when we have the resources and position to pull in an "obviously good" hire? Sure, it may work out really well, but why take the chance? @SimkinsMan made a great point a few pages ago - the fact that we obviously could have gotten someone more accomplished, but went with Baker instead, is actually an endorsement of Baker. That's a compelling point. But I can't shake the feeling that the whole thing is weird, and somewhat rushed in light of how much Rod Wright was being discussed. If Baker was such a strong candidate, why wasn't he mentioned sooner? There's certainly some justification for optimism, although not as much as I would like. I wish we had more insight into the process. I want someone from inside the program to explain why they hired this guy. I'm willing to take their explanations at face value (within reason). But until we get that, I'm siding with the people who are skeptical of the hire. It really seems like we could have picked up someone with more accomplishments and a proven track record, and our failure to do so seems like poor judgment. Even if Baker is a "hidden gem," there's no reason to take the risk on an unproven commodity. At any rate, I've enjoyed all the discussion this has sparked. I'm not sure why people are complaining about the discussion surrounding the hire. The fuck are you here for if not to see people flip their shit?
  8. Stop trying to make us feel bad for the dude. His takes sucked and he got bullied. There are people on this board who deserve it more, but it's a free site and he can just make another account. He's clearly happier on OB anyway. Him being old isn't some kind of excuse, either. I'm pretty sure @Armybrat is older than some states and he's one of the better posters on this board.
  9. That's not dip. Also, I've never known a single person that dipped who kept their can in their front pocket. It's always the back pocket or jacket pocket.
  10. If DL recruiting is going well, I don't really care if it's the coach, the resource$, or the just the program's reputation. Just get the players in the boat.
  11. Coming here on days like today is its own kind of cancer visit.
  12. People have been saying that Harbaugh likely takes the DC with him, so guys on defense may be poachable. Maybe even someone on the staff...
  13. It's weird seeing all these posts, remembering each and every one of them, and getting really sad about how much space in my brain is dedicated to this forum. No offense...but holy fucking shit do I need start golfing again. Or maybe visit @Newy25's dealer.
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