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Park Gothic

Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by Park Gothic

  1. Yes - exactly. Aggies spend so much time looking down on Big 12 teams like OSU and KSU without realizing that the strategy employed by those school is exactly what they should be doing. MSU is another good example from the B1G. Recruit OKGs and luncpail types and hope you find a coach that will still around long enough for his blueprint to start working more often than not. OSU was shit until they hired Gundy. KSU was shit until they hired Snyder. Dantonio is the only coach at MSU in the last 50 years who found any kind of sustained success. I doubt Elko will be as good as any of those coaches, but he fits the mold better than guys like Jimbo or Sumlin. I have no doubt or concern that A&M will see the light, however. They don't have the patience or capacity for objective self assessment to become a developmental program. Elko could have them going their customary 8-4 with an occasional 10-win season, but that won't be good enough for them. They'll fire him for the next hot G5 coach with recruiting chops and the whole thing will fall apart all over again.
  2. If I can unjerk for a second... I think Elko might actually be a good hire for them. He won't get them where they want to be, but he can probably limit the damage that Jimbo was doing. All this bread they're recruiting won't win them a lot of games, but those guys will probably appreciate the opportunity to play at an SEC school and at least show up to practice. And maybe, just maybe, they won't smoke weed in the locker room. College Station and A&M as a school just isn't a good place for blue chip recruits. There's nothing to do, the people are weird and boring, and they can misbehave with impunity. It's probably the same for coaches who are accustomed to coaching at a normal school for normal people - they get to BCS and see all these weirdos and think fuck it, I'm just here for the money anyway. They genuinely have "little brother" in the DNA of their program, and I don't mean that as a snide insult like many of you do. It's more that I'm observing a law of nature. Like gravity or water finding its level. When they try to hire real coaches and buy blue chip recruits, those types of people will hate the program and the place. College Station and apex football personnel are fundamentally incompatible. That is why it's much better for their program to recruit bread and hire guys like Elko - those types of players and coaches will think College Station is good enough for them and not resent the place for being what it is. And that will be the way they achieve the most success that they can as a program. Second rate coaching and third rate players will only take them so far, but at least they won't be a profligate embarrassment like the Jimbo era was. That's A&M's ceiling as a program, and Elko is the kind of coach that will get them there.
  3. Your point is well taken but Lubbock still exists.
  4. ... and r/LonghornNation is just over there in the corner, being weird.
  5. It is good and I'm not complaining, but we still don't have a true nose outside of Sydir Mitchell, who is 30 lbs lighter than Sweat and doesn't have half the motor. Wish we could find a large body to clog the middle.
  6. I refuse to go back through the last several pages to read y’all bickering. any word on the DL coach?
  7. I've been told by friends who follows Arizona (in addition to being Texas fans) that he's a different style of player, but comparable in terms of talent and contribution. He's more of a lengthy, speedy guy than a gap filling run stopper.
  8. "Sark still hasn't won a ring" He was a drunk until he got sober. He was Steve "Sarklostagain" until he started winning. He'd never won 10 games in a season until he did. He went from 5-7 and a complete rebuild to winning the Big 12 and making the CFP in three seasons. I hope these rubes never stop underestimating us or our coach.
  9. I get your point, but there is a huge difference between "not meeting expectations" and whatever the fuck RT is doing.
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