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Park Gothic

Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by Park Gothic

  1. Does LSU blowing its load on Simmons mean we have a better shot than expected with other LA prospects, like McKinley and Mack? It seems like it should, but I'm completely ignorant about this sort of thing. Pulling McKinley would really take the sting out of losing Simmons.
  2. I need this question answered as well.
  3. Tell me you worked for Shell Oil without telling me you worked for Shell Oil.
  4. This still sounds suspiciously like set theory which is clearly math. But before we start an argument about what is and isn't math, I was just making a joke. Stop making me count things.
  5. Am I crazy or did it seem like Gerry was kind of pissed at Hudson? He put in a 100% RPM and flat out stated that Hudson was going to Tech - I don't think I've ever heard him speak so plainly about where a recruit is going before a commitment is announced. It can't just be that the kid is going somewhere other than Texas, that happens all the time.
  6. Been a while since the board crowd sourced someone, hasn't it
  7. You might catch shit for this but I generally agree with you. I would rather have stayed in the Big 12 playing the old SWC schools. The original Big 12 was amazing. But - and this is critical - that became impossible when the Big 12 started to fall apart in 2010. When relatively big names like Nebraska and A&M left and the conference replaced them with WVU and TCU, that was the end of it. The writing was on the wall. The money was always going to be worse, recruiting was always going to be worse, and the conference was always going to get second rate coverage from networks. I wish it wasn't that way, but it is. That's a long way of me basically saying this is all Nebraska's fault. Those pathetic fucks.
  8. I'd still rather go to Nashville and Lexington than Ames or literally anywhere in Kansas.
  9. This is what's grating on me about this fucking guy. He says "oh the SEC is on a different level, we're going to get our ass kicked. The best of the Big 12 couldn't break even in the SEC." People respond by pointing out that the SEC is a few good teams with a bunch of average teams riding their coattails. That the middle of the SEC is no better than the middle of the Big 12. Instead of actually listening to what he's being told, he hears "We're Texas, the SEC is cakewalk, we are going to beat errybody" and instead of arguing against what was actually said, he argues against what he heard. Which, to your point, is classic fucking Aggie.
  10. I don't think you're lying, newfriend. I think you genuinely believe the ignorant shit you're saying. I'm telling you that it is not accurate.
  11. This is helpful, thanks. It lets me know I can disregard all the other bullshit you spew. Alabama is good. UGA is good. LSU and Tennessee look like the Big 12 teams of yesteryear. Good, but I can assure you we know how to play those. The rest of the SEC? Your brain is rotted from hearing the conference get its collective dick sucked for 20 years. The idea that the success of a handful of programs at the top trickles down is ridiculous. I lived in Nashville and Louisville for years and watched those teams shuffle through because Vandy tickets are cheap and Lexington is a short drive. I traveled to half the other stadiums in the conference. There is nothing special about the rest of the SEC compared to the Big 12, and I would much rather play Ole Miss or Auburn than Baylor, OSU, or KSU. When presented with evidence that 75% of the SEC is no better (if not worse) than the middle of the Big 12, you and Honda (who is totally a Texas fan) have had no response other than to say "doesn't count, didn't want to be there" and other unfalsifiable shit like "these SEC boys just look different." Other than a handful of teams at the top and being in bed with CFB's biggest propaganda machine, the SEC is not special.
  12. Ah, I see. This is just a really long-winded way of saying "we didn't want to be there"
  13. I can already tell you're going to be one of those dumb motherfuckers unironically chanting "SECSECSEC" at DKR or whichever stadium you actually call home. Please go jerkoff somewhere else, you are shitting up an otherwise interesting thread.
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