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Fluoxetine HCl

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  1. may he rest in piece
  2. I This is good advice, but they also say they are being ganged up on. As for using sarcasm as a weapon, that would maybe work, but it’s easier to ask them to do than it is for them to accomplish. Heinrich is older, and can probably handle that (after some practice) but Adolf is very sensitive.
  3. No they are old family names, they’re pretty well known names, so not Aysheliegh or Brindley or DeAndreus or something.
  4. They are 10 and 8. This is near Dallas.
  5. My husband and I made a conscious, rational decision to homeschool our boys. However, I took a new job at the beginning of the school year that I couldn’t pass up, and we’ve put them in public school. My boys have typically been a great students, but ever since they’ve been in public school, their grades haven’t been up to par. Hubs and I have met with administrators and counselors, pretty much monthly, and I guess they weren’t telling us the full story until now. Apparently they are both being bullied by multiple other children. The admins didn’t know why, or wouldn’t say, but after some prodding we were able to find out that the other kids are constantly teasing them about things they can’t control—most notably making fun of their names. The admins say they can choose to go by middles, or nicknames, but it doesn’t seem fair for my kids to have to adapt like this when it’s the others causing the problem. How should we approach this?
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