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Everything posted by DeathTongue

  1. Alberto knot is easier than uni-uni. Seven turns up and seven turns down. Not sure what's so difficult to remember about that. Uni-uni you are essentially tying two knots. Alberto is only one. FG is a great knot, but it is a pain in the ass to tie with lighter flouro. Alberto is much easier to tie and only slightly thicker.
  2. FIFA doesn’t give a fuck as long as they get paid. If they gave a fuck, they would have already done something about it.
  3. DeathTongue

    USMNT 2022

    Chris Richards to Crystal Palace https://www.bbc.com/sport/football/62234782
  4. After a quick look at Dick’s/Academy/Bass Pro, other than a bunch of combos at BassPro (which are essentially a Bass Pro brand 2-piece rod with a decent Abu/Diawa/Lew’s/Shimano reel) this was the only combo that I saw with a 2-piece rod: https://www.academy.com/p/kastking-7-ft-mh-freshwater-casting-rod-and-reel-combo?sku=7-right-medium-heavy-fast-6-5-1 …and it’s currently on sale. I haven’t ever fished a Kast King, but my brother’s FIL has one and he seems to like his. If you want to put together a combo on your own, an Ugly Stick is really the only 2-piece rod that I saw other than the Bass Pro rod mentioned above. As for a reels to pair with it, Abu used to make a decent low-end reel (Black Max) but doesn’t look like they make it any longer. It looks like the replacement is the Abu Max X. It appears to have decent reviews. Lew’s makes a few sub-$100 reels (Speed Spool series) that I have heard good things about.
  5. DeathTongue

    USMNT 2022

    Nice. I was at that game.
  6. DeathTongue

    USMNT 2022

    Fulham 2006-2007 had McBride, Dempsey and Bocanegra Fulham 2007-2008 had McBride, Dempsey, Bocanegra, Keller and Eddie Johnson
  7. Am I missing something? Did Golden Earring have a second hit?
  8. DeathTongue

    USMNT 2021

    There is also that Reyna kid at Dortmund that I hear is pretty good.
  9. So, are they not allowed to use burnt orange or are they not allowed to use whatever shade of orange the current jerseys are?
  10. DeathTongue

    USMNT 2021

    Actually, the 5th from last is at Canada in January. That will be fun.
  11. Interesting. That was 3 of my Top 5... ...for engineering grads school.
  12. I'm guessing the plan is to move all of the olds that complain about people standing in front of these in to this sections.
  13. Yeah, it looks really cool with an empty section, but what is it going to look like when the section if full of spectators? Will the front wall/lighting even be visible with fans in front of it?
  14. I see it and hear Jim McKay saying "...and the agony of defeat."
  15. The best Jeff Ross line is still: I wouldn’t fuck Bea Arthur with Bea Arthur’s dick. Funny story about that. I can’t remember when that roast took place but it was early/mid-2000s. At that time, Kornheiser had a local DC radio show. It was part of the ESPN network, so he had a bunch of ESPN talking heads on the show. This was about the time when shows started streaming, his was one of the first to stream. Since the advertisers were only paying for radio time, they would leave the mics open on the stream during the commercial breaks and every once and a while there would be some good not-for-broadcast conversations that would go on. Anyhow, the week after the roast where Ross used the Bea Arthur line, Rich Eisen was on the show. He and Kornheiser were going over what they were going to talk about during the break before he went on. So after they are done with that, Kornheiser asks what he’s been up to and Eisen tells him he was at this roast and tells the Ross story. Everyone in the studio is losing it and Kornheiser asks his producer “Dennis, are we still streaming?” Dennis replies with, “Umm. Yeah.” Eisen was not amused that his story went out over the internets.
  16. DeathTongue

    USMNT 2021

    Full disclosure, I have not seen many of McKennie's minutes this year, but that was impressive. How many balls did he play in to teammates that they did not have to slow down or stop to take possession? Is that allowed for a USMNT player?
  17. It will certainly be less than the number of times you fucking idiots try to make this “joke” funny. Stop trying to make fetch happen, Gretchen.
  18. This just gives Boom an extra year to spend with the family before he comes back
  19. So how does an agreement with the SEC work? Ten SEC teams play a Big XII opponent and the other four SEC teams get to play their regularly schedule FCS opponent?
  20. 10 degrees Celsius. It's Canada.
  21. The best part of this is his short list for mentors is two dead dudes.
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