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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Js1

  1. On a network nobody gets and no provider wants to pay for
  2. There was. The judge who threw it out said some stupid shit like the opposition didn’t have enough chance to “make their case” against it, despite it getting more than enough signatures.
  3. Duh. Hence why it was so easy for Russia to get their claws into the right leaning people like Poole These people aren’t being duped. They know it’s fake, but they also know that repeating it gets clicks
  4. The PSU and Rutgers trips to the west coast are going to be equally awful for them. You love to see it
  5. So USC and Ohio State are the only tests left? Because I don't think AR State, Minnesota, Washington, Illinois, Michigan State, Indiana or Northwestern are going to be big offensive tests. And Oregon doesn't look like much of one after 2 games. Plus I can't wait to see Oregon playing in Ann Arbor in November. Kind of a shame USC got an early season trip to Ann Arbor and not one of Michigan's 2 November home games.
  6. Hey, I may have been one of those drunk idiots screaming PUT IN CHILES in 2007 when we were getting our asses kicked by KSU or down 17-9 against Nebraska in the 4th Q
  7. That's because most of them actually do work the lines and don't just sit on their fat ass and "manage." How often do you see the manager filling bags or taking orders? All the time.
  8. Bro, if you need a tampon, go ask Tim Walz. It's not my job to hold your hand while you menstruate on September 10
  9. Silver now has Harris ahead in PA, NC, MI, WI, NV. That's an EC win right there. It must have really hurt him to put her ahead in PA. I'm guessing Thiel is going to be very angry today.
  10. Well I understand your angst, if they didn't deviate from each other in 2000 (closest election of our lifetime), 2016 or 2020, why will they now? And to further my point - in the modern political campaign era (defined as elections since 1952), the only times WI/MI/PA voted differently were 1988, 1976, 1968, 1960. 4 out of 17 times and not once since the turn of the century.
  11. And yet the media whines that Harris wasn’t focused on putting out policy THIS IS NOT A POLICY ELECTION - good fucking lord
  12. I find it unlikely. The polling for anyone under 40 is so fucking broken.
  13. I mean, it's quite unlikely that PA/MI/WI do not vote the same way. AZ/NV voted differently from each other in 2016 and NC/GA in 2020. The last time PA/MI/WI did not all vote the same way - 1988. Bush Sr. won PA/MI but lost WI
  14. Redfield Wilton, which is a UK firm that leans to the right in their polling. Also has NC with a Harris lead (+1) after two yesterday showing +3. She's also leading in WI and MI. Have you just replied STOP? because that works for me.
  15. The far left is unhappy. Shocking. They will never ever be happy, nor ever ever come to realize a lot of what they want is not that popular. Offer them a blowjob and they'll bitch about that
  16. The media is taking that one poll from the NYT as absolute gospel. You know, the one that was R+3 in the sample and had rural voters at almost 40% of the electorate lol
  17. Slate doing its best “didn’t score on the first drive of the game, so going to lose” surly impression
  18. Shit show thanks to the NC courts I’m sure the waiver will be granted but still
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