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Certifiably Surly - no CR
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Everything posted by Js1

  1. Look at what it did from 2020 Prez to 2022 Gov. It's a reliable red state now. End of story. (Until the massive migration out after no one can get insured)
  2. Also no one doom about Virginia - NOVA and the cities are usually last to report and NOVA is like the ATL of Virginia. Just drops a huge chunk of blue votes.
  3. 68% in Rockdale County (east ATL) 76-24 so far (was 70-29 Biden)
  4. Exit polls also aren't reliable. Ask John Kerry. And Biden's landslide in 2020 lol
  5. And that's fine. If it now a GOP vote sink, it means the midwest likely got bluer as red voters moved to FL. And Harris is up 3 cents on PI.
  6. Boone County, IN is 90% in and it's a 8% shift left. Indy suburb R+18 to R+10 Selzer knew.
  7. Can you use a sheet of cardboard to cover up Fox News? lol
  8. Michael Steele on MSNBC said he is hearing Harris will win NC
  9. I remember doing this for 2000 as a 6th grader
  10. Very likely these are early votes, but the nationwide trend has been early votes will be redder and E-Day will be bluer. So will the margins increase? Was Ann Selzer the true harbinger of the election???
  11. Franklin County, KY is also doing quite well compared to 2020, but still early (40% in) Lexington burb.
  12. Reminder to wait until 90%+ of the vote is in. Itโ€™s likely all early and Indiana wonโ€™t release E-Day until all polls close in the state. But if the early is redder than 200 and E-Day bluerโ€ฆ.
  13. https://www.washingtonpost.com/elections/interactive/2024/11/05/compare-2020-2024-presidential-results/ Good map showing swings Indiana with blue so far, which makes me think Selzer found something about Trump's midwest support. Kentucky ain't midwest, sorry. It's southern.
  14. Also I am getting really scared about being deified/crowned. I'm anti-monarchist and not religious. Don't put me in a weird spot.
  15. Trump down 10% from 2020 so far in Fort Wayne, IN
  16. Gonna just rapid fire random things: Steuben County, IN - 50% in Trump 4 points behind 2020 so far. Dubois County, IN - 63% in Harris cut into this margin by 2 points
  17. She's doing 1-3 points better than Biden in the redneck counties that report early (so far). My initial fear was Trump juicing up his margins somehow and it shows early, but if he loses 1-3 points in these counties, I will be fucking relieved. But it is still early!
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