I agree with most of your post, I just think you’re not considering all the variables in your “give up your dogs” solution. For example, I don’t have kids. I have three dogs that weigh a combined 50 pounds. You suggesting I give them up to fight climate change is asinine. Their meat consumption is far less than most. In fact, since I often don’t eat meat, and my wife never does, our household is probably below most households by a large margin. I’m not choosing my dogs over my grandchildren. Why can’t we instill a one child policy? That would cut down on meat consumption, wouldn’t it? We don’t do that because that suggestion is just as asinine. If you want to propose household meat rations, go for it. It wouldn’t bother my house one bit. We love Tofu. It’s just a little silly considering we can barely pass laws to prevent companies from pouring toxic waste into rivers.
Climate Change will be solved by solutions already mentioned. Reduction of fossil based energy, reduction of plastics, reduction of consumption culture, and changes in food production and consumption.
Why won’t it happen? Because humans celebrate stupidity.