Now explain WHY there is monetary value in a monetary asset that isn’t tied to a government?
We know the reason Bern and anti-government nut jobs like it.(because the government can’t debase my money. Rabble rabble. Bring back gold standard. I’m a moron)
If the government can’t control the supply of money, let’s talk about WHY THATS BAD. Let’s forget all the transactions tied to drugs, child sex trafficking, terrorists, cartels, oligarchs, Russians paying off legislators, etc. If the government can’t control the supply of money, it can’t successfully stimulate the economy during let’s say a the collapse of the financial system, a once in a lifetime pandemic, banking deregulation that leads to bank collapses like SVB, etc. and what happens when the government can’t do that? Liquidity stops. Bank runs. Companies can’t make payroll. Can’t buy supplies. People can’t buy groceries. People use their guns to get food.
Buy hey, at least I have Bitcoin in the apocalypse