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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Neonmoon

  1. Hellllll no, never put your horns down. Also, I still think we need an either eye roll emoji or a WTF emoji, which could be either of these memes or a simple
  2. I don't speak tech Does that mean embedding coming?
  3. This is one of the most ignorant posts I’ve read on this website, and I frequently read the Crypto threads. Homeownership is the best way to build wealth for most people. There’s nothing wrong with renting, but it won’t build wealth. https://www.usatoday.com/story/money/personalfinance/real-estate/2023/04/18/homeowners-wealth-vs-renting-housing-market/11683922002/ https://www.huduser.gov/publications/pdf/wealthaccumulationandhomeownership.pdf What it has to do with race? The Federal Government denied racial groups the ability to get a loan and thus build wealth. “The FHA began redlining at the very beginning of its operations in 1934, as FHA staff concluded that no loan could be economically sound if the property was located in a neighborhood that was or could become populated by Black people, as property values might decline over the life of the 15- to 20-year loans they were attempting to standardize.” https://www.federalreservehistory.org/essays/redlining#:~:text=The FHA began redlining at,20-year loans they were Minority races, especially Blacks, were denied the same generational wealth white Americans earned through home ownership and their ability to get a loan. (Women too, but that’s a whole different story) https://www.businessinsider.com/how-redlining-kept-black-americans-from-homeownership-and-still-does-2020-6#what-it-meant-to-live-in-a-green-blue-yellow-or-redlined-neighborhood-and-what-that-means-today-2 “Over the last 40 years, per Redfin, homeowners in redlined neighborhoods have earned 52% less in home equity.” Lenders actually cared what your race was, it was literally written in the manuals. Oh, and there are still problems today, even with laws specifically outlawing it (Wells Fargo is particularly bad) https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/justice-department-reaches-settlement-wells-fargo-resulting-more-175-million-relief https://www.usatoday.com/story/money/2022/04/26/wells-fargo-being-sued-discriminating-against-black-borrowers/7451521001/ https://www.forbes.com/sites/shaunharper/2023/01/13/31-million-to-black-and-latino-communities-in-largest-ever-housing-discrimination-lawsuit/?sh=1370310f2b3c
  4. If the movie is set before 1960, he’s required to be in it.
  5. I don't know what Fed Logan or Fed Waller are saying in their speeches, but 10 year down 6 points now. Which is nice
  6. I wouldn’t want non-believers in my cult either
  7. I wouldn’t might fighting in a Civil War against some of these monsters
  8. Did you miss the part about a female minor?
  9. New 900 square feet homes have been popping up recently. A new type of “starter home”. Around $315K price point, which is affordable as fuck for my area. Anything below that is a double wide.
  10. Stepping down? The only thing he's stepping down from is life
  11. Um...why? This was a made up fucking scam of a flag
  12. https://www.threads.net/@keithedwards/post/C35fc8uJUaL But but but I won. Sorry we got sued and lost a lot of money.
  13. I just don’t understand the logic. Assuming there is a surge in demand around noon. You don’t have a lack of supply. Just sell more burgers. There is a reason some place aren’t open 24/7, there is little demand at 4am. They don’t stay open and charge less due to low demand. They don’t sell burgers. It makes sense. Surge pricing only makes sense if there is a lack of supply, which there is not.
  14. I want to know who is answering these polls. Who in this day and age is answering their phone from a strange number? Not only that, taking the time to answer polling questions? Who is taking the time to click a link and fill out an internet or text poll? This isn’t 1978 and you were excited someone called your land line. The Scroll Generation has the attention span of a coked up chihuahua. And most people aren’t that better these days People get 30 spam emails a day asking for feedback or selling you shit. No one is filling out a poll unless it’s a bathing suit influencer asking Thor questions to the newest Swift song
  15. I wonder how the battle changed It’s almost like Russian spent years funding NRA right right wackos, inviting senators and congressmen on trips to Russia, investing money in their districts. Nah, probably just the woke stuff
  16. https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2024/feb/27/microplastics-found-every-human-placenta-tested-study-health-impact?utm_source=instagramthreads&utm_campaign=microplasticsthreads Are babies recyclable now?
  17. What’s another underground transportation system that actually transports people…puzzling
  18. no wayyyy https://www.newsweek.com/who-konstantin-nikolaev-money-mike-johnson-1870600
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