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Everything posted by gatormarc

  1. I actually had a full screenshot so that we didn't need to load the tweet, but this version of Invision board doesn't seem to auto-embed imgur images or allow you to view source and do it yourself. I do see now that I could have attached it.
  2. The closest I can recall to anything like that at Florida was that we have flag poles circling the perimeter of The Swamp. I swear back in the day they were just 2 tone flags with each conference members colors. There are probably 20+ poles and several schools rock similar colors so it really didn't stand out. I have no idea what flags they are flying there now. Guess I'll look this fall.
  3. It's really hard to tell because of so many moving parts. Yes, the SEC distribution doesn't count the 9th game yet. Also the Big 10 distribution relies in large part on Oregon and Washington taking partial shares for the next 5-10 years. I think the Big 10 will continue to distribute more but the SEC members will continue to make more on their own since the schools themselves are more profitable as they have a more interesting product and actual rivalries and history with the other members of the conference.
  4. I think it's even debatable whether any of those teams add enough to make it worth it for the SEC. Culturally, several ACC teams fit but they aren't a must add. I don't even see the value in trying to "block" the Big 10. Who cares if the Big 10 decides to go to 24 and make itself a lumbering mess? Let it collapse under it's own mass.
  5. That all seems fair. I think the SEC has more at the top and middle and the B1G has a lot more bottom feeders. I would probably move Kentucky, Arkansas, and maybe South Carolina up given their resources. Maybe we need 5 tiers because none of those three really belong with the 3 Tier 2 SEC programs you have listed but I'd easily put them alongside Michigan State and Wisconsin. In the other category, I would probably move Clemson and Miami down a tier each.
  6. OK but you left out Arkansas, South Carolina and Kentucky. I would put all of them resource wise above Iowa. I think the SEC has more at the top and more at the middle. And the B1G has more at the bottom, plus 2 more programs.
  7. What are we ranking here exactly.
  8. No one in the top half of the SEC is going anywhere for awhile. Programs will have downturns but they'll still be pumping money and bringing fans to the stands until they get the right hire.
  9. Still alive. And he still doesn't know the difference between your and you're.
  10. I think they dropped in some new scented OU logos in the urinals.
  11. ACC poorly managed to say?
  12. The Pac 12 also removed everyone yesterday from their website. https://pac-12.com/ Though all of the individual members save Stanford still have Pac-12 logos on their websites. At some point, Stanford removed the Pac-12 logo from the footer of their site and added corporate sponsors.
  13. The Pac 12 also removed everyone yesterday from their website. https://pac-12.com/
  14. I think it's mostly been the other way around. SEC expands to 12 to get a conference championship game - Arkansas and South Carolina B1G added Penn State and tried to add Notre Dame to get to 12 teams to get a conference championship game. ND balks. They later add Nebraska when it's clear that ND won't come. SEC expands with A&M and Mizzou. B1G panic adds Rutgers and Maryland. Both schools are in such bad shape, they take partial payments to do it. SEC expands with Texas and OU B1G panic adds USC and UCLA, schools 2 timezones away; and then later Oregon and Washington which only works because they are willing to take partial payments.
  15. Hard to imaging it goes down the same as the Pac 12. 1) I don't think the SEC wants to expand more. I think they would be very selective still and at most take 2 if the opportunity was right. 2) B1G is already at an ugly 18. I mean I guess they could decide to go really big -- most of their decisions have been only about short term money and not about culture -- but even if they go after 2 or 4, that still leaves 10/11 team ACC. 3) The Big 12 can't have much of an appetite to expand unless some big market program falls in their lap like Miami or Georgia Tech. So you still have a 8-11 team ACC that is still a step above the G5 and would have an option to snag a USF to get the Florida market back.
  16. Lot of scuttlebutt on the FSU boards that they will announce soon a move to the B1G.
  17. Right. I was just trying to figure out what that twitter account wants us to notice. I don't have a twitter account so I can't see the rest of that thread. I assumed further down the thread, he answers his own question.
  18. What am I supposed to notice?
  19. I emailed our AD yesterday about the earlier award. USA Today released an All Sports trophy for a decade prior to Sears Cup taking over in 1993. Hard to find info online since USA Today also sponsors the SEC All Sports trophy (aren't you excited you get to compete in that next year?) so those results are what come up when you search and with older stuff all paywalled. I do not know what the scoring system was for that. IIRC for the longest time, it was only Florida and UCLA that were in the top 10 every year.
  20. Top 25 1 Texas (Big 12) - 1377.00 2 Stanford (Pac-12) - 1312.75 3 Tennessee (SEC) - 1217.00 4 Florida (SEC) - 1189.00 5 Virginia (ACC) - 1066.25 6 Texas A&M (SEC) - 1059.25 7 North Carolina (ACC) - 1035.75 8 Michigan (Big Ten) - 1030.00 9 Alabama (SEC) - 1028.88 10 UCLA (Pac-12) - 1017.50 11 Notre Dame (ACC) - 1008.50 12 Florida State (ACC) - 998.88 13 LSU (SEC) - 998.50 14 USC (Pac-12) - 994.00 15 Ohio State (Big Ten) - 981.00 16 Georgia (SEC) - 951.38 17 Duke (ACC) - 928.50 18 Arkansas (SEC) - 921.75 19 Oklahoma State (Big 12) - 896.00 20 California (Pac-12) - 886.00 21 North Carolina State (ACC) - 853.50 22 Nebraska (Big Ten) - 841.00 23 Penn State (Big Ten) - 827.75 24 Oklahoma (Big 12) - 805.75 25 Wisconsin (Big Ten) - 765.50 Top 10 by conference SEC - 4 ACC - 2 Pac-12 - 2 Big 12 - 1 Big 10 - 1 Future SEC - 5 Future ACC - 3 Figure Big Ten - 2 Top 25 by conference SEC - 7 ACC - 6 Big 10 - 5 Pac-12 - 4 Big 12 - 3 Future SEC - 9 Future ACC - 8 Future Big Ten - 7 Future Big 12 - 1 SEC Schools 1 Texas (Big 12) - 1377.00 3 Tennessee (SEC) - 1217.00 4 Florida (SEC) - 1189.00 6 Texas A&M (SEC) - 1059.25 9 Alabama (SEC) - 1028.88 13 LSU (SEC) - 998.50 16 Georgia (SEC) - 951.38 18 Arkansas (SEC) - 921.75 24 Oklahoma (Big 12) - 805.75 30 South Carolina (SEC) - 679.0 32 Kentucky (SEC) - 667.25 33 Auburn (SEC) - 665.75 38 Ole Miss (SEC) - 590.38 55 Missouri (SEC) - 426.50 57 Vanderbilt (SEC) - 410.25 60 Mississippi State (SEC) - 401.50
  21. Still don't have a lot of details on exactly what the all sports rankings were prior to the Directors' Cup, but this is now the 40th year that Florida has finished in the top 10 and is the only program to do so. https://floridagators.com/news/2024/6/26/general-gator-athletics-program-fourth-in-the-nation.aspx
  22. I thought the Vols were going to have to toss out one more sport than they did, so they held us off to hold on to the #3 spot.
  23. Do we have a special teams coach yet?
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