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Everything posted by John80

  1. When you get bounced early year after year it isn't a fluke. He's a shitty coach and Arkansas fans will find that out soon enough.
  2. Having a completely different team every year doesn't work. Every class should have a few highly rated players and a few that will stick around and do the dirty work that's necessary to win.
  3. The good news is Cal is gone and the bad news is our athletics director is an idiot. The next coach can't be any more obnoxious and unlikeable than Cal.
  4. At the institutional level the Big Ten and SEC have a cohesion that isn't going away and is largely responsible for the success of the conference. The athletics departments of Ohio State and Alabama don't need money and they haven't and won't try to squeeze a few extra dollars from Northwestern and Vanderbilt. The fans of Iowa may hate Ohio State but the fans aren't making the decisions.
  5. Stanford's admission standards makes it difficult for them to be consistently good at football. Cal is in a similar position since their standards were increased after they had a low graduation rate for a couple of years.
  6. UCLA and North Carolina have little fan interest in football so they are mediocre with the occasional good season.
  7. The SEC leaders shouldn't bring their wives and children to the meetings because the B10 schools have plenty of rapists and child molestors.
  8. Those coaches had a combined record of 231-104 at Georgia which is a 69% winning percentage which is a good program.
  9. So Florida State lost by 60 points and think they should been in over an Alabama team that lost in overtime. As someone who has followed another ACC school Florida State's fanbase and administration has always been this stupid but they only recently started broadcasting their behavior to the entire country.
  10. FSU has a circus so I would suggest Clown Aggy.
  11. The B10 has no interest in Cal and Stanford because they are focused on football brands. Stanford had to beg for a bad deal with a conference on the other side of the country.
  12. If Florida State had a case they would have already taken action. Given their record the last two years they have no problem competing at a high level now that they have a good coach. It seems the B10 is looking to go to a national conference but they can wait and won't get near any legal action.
  13. Tennessee has been mostly mediocre for 20 years but they have a terrible fanbase. They were throwing everything onto the field at the end of a home football game against Ole Miss not too long ago. Georgia has always had a good football program but I don't think they are hated in the SEC with the exception of their rivals Florida and Auburn. I have always enjoyed my visits to Georgia games but it might be different if you're a Florida or Auburn fan.
  14. Vanderbilt's 3 football fans are really nice so don't be mean to them when you win.
  15. John80

    Blanda: The GOAT

    As a UK fan I want to highlight this post. There was a time when UK had George Blanda playing and Bear Bryant coaching. I was born too late and watched many terrible UK football teams play.
  16. Michigan is the only contender that didn't play a non-conference game against a P5 team so they should be out.
  17. The year before Stoops was hired UK lost by 40 points to Vanderbilt at home in an empty stadium. When you are this bad it takes time to rebuild. Stoops would be a great hire for a school like Indiana that has a dumpster fire program and wants to be consistently competitive.
  18. I'm a UK fan so biased but I don't see them beating Florida State. Kentucky has a terrible offense/special teams and they scored 38 points against Louisville.
  19. Stoops has done better than previous UK coaches because when he was hired UK's administration finally made investments in facilities and salaries that the previous UK coaches didn't receive. He isn't a better coach then the guy they just fired. He has a very conservative offense that the top programs abandoned a long time ago. Florida and Tennessee being down has certainly helped him.
  20. It is in Kentucky but Stoops frequently makes stupid statements which is another reason he's perfect for Texas A and M.
  21. As a UK fan I'm really hoping they hire Stoops. Our idiot athletics director gave Stoops a ridiculous contrqct and I'm hoping Texas A and M will bail us out. He's a mediocre coach and they are truly stupid and desperate if they think he will make them relevant.
  22. I'm usually looking for a good game but I'm expecting some ugly fights and when an Ohio State player flips off the Michigan fans they will deserve it this time.
  23. Not surprising they backed down. Harbaugh can lie to the fanbase but lying in a court of law will get you put in jail. One of Michigan's assistant coaches deleted his twitter today.
  24. Harbaugh's bizarre behavior and cheating makes him a great coach for Texas A and M.
  25. In college football doing the wrong thing has always been the norm and we're finding out Michigan is the same though they have always pretended to be different. If Michigan had 2 or 3 losses and Harbaugh was still losing to Ohio State they would fire him and would be able to keep up the charade. They correctly fired Brady Hoke after he put a concussed player back into the game but Brady Hoke wasn't winning many games so it was easy to do the right thing in that case.
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