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Limp Brisket

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Everything posted by Limp Brisket

  1. Yes but he’s fine, I think he’d like to go back out and I’d be okay with it.
  2. 10-4, wasn’t going to count em down just pointing out but I digress!
  3. Yeah this doesn’t need to become “interesting”
  4. I’m not calm but I’m a lot better.
  5. Didn’t turn it on tonight, wore different shoes today, drove home different route.
  6. The bottom line is they picked up something on Lance early and Dusty didn’t pick up the fact that they picked up on something early.
  7. 3 very different hits for each team, 3 singles vs 3 HR’s. Baseball.
  8. Not surrendering at all but I’ll be damned if multiple clues don’t indicate that the Phillies have picked up something on Lance.
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