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Limp Brisket

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Everything posted by Limp Brisket

  1. Twenty innings without a run scored. The break can’t come fast enough.
  2. Yeah my comment was casting doubt on the cheating angle of it.
  3. Whatever it was was put on his right armpit area and he’s a right handed pitcher. It would seem to me if it’s a substance to increase grip/spin rate it would’ve been placed on the left side for access with his throwing arm.
  4. Tuve making up for that shitty baserunning/run loss.
  5. There is no Frank Reich in Buffalo now right? It’s not a wild card game but still…
  6. Chas was either going yard or striking out trying to go yard.
  7. Ivey’s Dad was looking for somebody, anybody, to high five. He’s a big bastard.
  8. Seems risky to Ohtani’s arm to put him in RF and potentially have to make a hard throw in a (what was) a 1-1 game after pitching the first 7 innings
  9. Bregman 0 for last 8 AB’s, would love to see him get hot.
  10. Had a Lang 84 Deluxe stick burner, decided I wanted to go the pellet route after a decade of using the 84 (and a 60 before that), bought a $3,400 Pitts & Spitts Maverick 2000 and used it 4 months before I decided pellets just aren't for me. I sold it and am currently having another stick burner built. I’d recommend that if you’re on the fence about making the switch to pellets buy a cheap unit first and decide if pellet cooking is for you.
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