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Limp Brisket

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Everything posted by Limp Brisket

  1. Bochy shaking his head needs to be the next meme.
  2. Stanek got warm but threw one pitch. Does he come back out?
  3. The best pitch Peña saw was the first one as usual since everybody knows he doesn’t swing at the first pitch. Ever.
  4. Remember when Peña was the 2 hitter?
  5. Clearly it was a ball. Nice call Blue!
  6. Time to shake the “we suck at home” bullshit.
  7. Chaz wasn’t gonna let shit go by without swinging at it lol
  8. It’s about to get nasty around these parts.
  9. Pressly on a 1 run lead makes me have that electron thing y’all were talking about.
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