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Wilcox Cummingtonite

Certifiably Surly
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About Wilcox Cummingtonite

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  1. This is ultimately what will get Sark shitcanned in 3 years.
  2. Post less, t-shirt fan By definition it was absolutely targeting.
  3. Thanks for costing us the SEC championship, loser.
  4. Herman actually showed up for big games, unlike Sark.
  5. Truth is wasn’t isn’t a national championship team with Sark. It takes a transcendent player like VY to bring us to the mountaintop because we always seem to have a coaching disadvantage. Saban would have won it all with this D. No doubt.
  6. If you all think QE is the problem, you’re in for a rude awakening next year.
  7. Get ready for Sark to waste two years of Arch Manning. We will never win anything of significance under this fraud.
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