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Wilcox Cummingtonite

Certifiably Surly
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  1. Allie LaForce or Molly Miller? I would lick both their buttholes.
  2. Fucking embarrassing. Jesus Christ, way to represent.
  3. He just needs a little more time fellas
  4. Y’all are going to be disappointed I’m afraid. I don’t like it either but we lost a lot from last year and had just enough success against top tier teams to support the “we’re close” justification. If we sneak in to the field and win 1-2 games, he isn’t getting fired. This is Texas basketball. Not football or baseball.
  5. I personally think RT gets another year or two. Assistants will be let go instead.
  6. Since we are 99% surely in the field now, is RT staying?
  7. Snyder sat out yesterday’s game with an illness. Obviously he’s going to be the next Texas coach.
  8. Mike Davis Malcolm Williams Garrett Gilbert John Burt Jake Smith
  9. I'll just say that he used to sexually assault low level staffers so none of this is surprising. Putting your dick and balls on people in the locker room, that kind of shit.
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