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Wilcox Cummingtonite

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Wilcox Cummingtonite

  1. Mike Davis Malcolm Williams Garrett Gilbert John Burt Jake Smith
  2. I'll just say that he used to sexually assault low level staffers so none of this is surprising. Putting your dick and balls on people in the locker room, that kind of shit.
  3. Dude was a huge piece of shit in the locker room during his time at UT, not surprised at all at this.
  4. You'll get an 11 am game on FOX with Gus yelling constantly after 5 yard gains...
  5. People that don't think Tim Robinson is funny are low IQ morons. Case in point, Helo.
  6. Immigration laws are racist anyway. Who cares.
  7. Oh look it’s raining in DFW again and not doing shit here but mist/drizzle
  8. When every thread I open on here has some irrelevant political comment from either side, it gets pretty damn old. Just get over it people. It’s not affecting your day to day life. No one cares what you think. Go jerk off in the CR or on a Fox News comment section. But please STFU here.
  9. Again, no one gives a fuck about your shitty political takes here. Take it to CR and circlejerk away.
  10. Again, no one gives a fuck about your political takes here.
  11. Here for the Trump tears from the usual suspects while they simultaneously fuck up every thread on this board with incessant whining about Elon, Abbott, etc. Shut the fuck up. We don’t care about your political opinions.
  12. Fuckin’ cloak room scum in full control on this thread. The groupthink echo chamber is high comedy.
  13. Enjoy it because that’s probably all we’re getting down here while DFW/north TX flood again.
  14. The NFL sucks, is obviously rigged, and is a terrible product to watch. Posting huge ratings just proves how stupid the overwhelming majority of the population is.
  15. Phil Jackson is available.
  16. My 80 year old Dad was a sophomore OL on the Horns that season. Still talks about the game to this day and has his Orange Bowl watch.
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