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Wilcox Cummingtonite

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Wilcox Cummingtonite

  1. Oh it’s definitely gonna rain some. Just not exactly what could’ve been. I suppose I shouldn’t bitch. Enjoy the wine, good luck in the morning…
  2. Dry air pushing in from the west about to fuck us again. This system fucked around for too long- too little, too late. It’s so shitty that every forecasted “significant multi-day rain event” always seems to get squashed down to a few hours of an overnight MCS moving through on the way out.
  3. While Canyon Lake is at historic lows, my dipshit Californian neighbors next door water their shitty yard full of weeds 3-4 times per week all night while we are in stage 3 restrictions. Meanwhile I haven’t irrigated once this year and my Bermuda looks miles better than anyone on my street with zero weeds. Fucking maddening.
  4. Might get something cooking soon. Fuck this humidity if no rain though.
  5. Last summer was child’s play compared to what’s coming. We aren’t getting shit today. Maybe tomorrow or Sunday.
  6. Very strong La Niña is coming soon. 2025-26 will likely rival 2010-11 for the worst summers ever. Yay!
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