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Wilcox Cummingtonite

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Wilcox Cummingtonite

  1. Turn on the TV. ESPN is in full spin mode advocating for Bama. But ok.
  2. Not really. FSU losing was always the only realistic chance at CFP. Texas is #4-7 and it was early in the year -ESPN
  3. There’s gonna be a lot of pissed off people here if FSU doesn’t lose tonight.
  4. It doesn’t though according to ESPN. They were already talking about it. No way SEC champ gets left out. ESPN has too much money in this for that to happen.
  5. We have the worst loss though. ESPN is already talking about it. Need FSU to lose.
  6. Just saying what all the ESPN idiots are saying Ok cool. This was not a good result for Texas.
  7. ESPN is already creating the narrative for Bama. Georgia winning would have been better for us.
  8. You have more faith in the committee. They are already talking about “worst loss” on ESPN. We’re fucked.
  9. Georgia benefitted from a charmin soft schedule this year. They aren’t a top 4 team.
  10. We’ve seen the SEC dick sucking for too many years.
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