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Wilcox Cummingtonite

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Wilcox Cummingtonite

  1. Can’t wait for J Whitt to knock some motherfuckers out in the morning. This is going to be Colorado 2005 electric boogaloo.
  2. Changing my prediction. Texas 77 OSU inbred ankle biters 0 400 rushing yards from Texas -20 from OSU
  3. Petition to permaban all ankle biter OSU posters after we beat their asses tomorrow. Fuck that inbred school- never understood the love for them here. Fuck Oklahoma State.
  4. People still have cable? I thought that was only for my 80 year old dad. Even he has YouTube TV now- they are cutting directv for this reason. If he can figure out how to use YouTube TV, you guys can too. Far superior interface to ATT/directv/dish/etc… Having 4 games on the screen at once is fucking awesome.
  5. CTE doesn’t excuse beating a pregnant woman. He’s always been a piece of shit anyway.
  6. You have more faith than me if Bama wins. I feel like they aren’t leaving out the SEC champ no matter what. their justification- Bama win vs. Georgia > Texas win vs. Bama
  7. No they don’t. Louisville only. Others don’t matter, because we aren’t getting in over Bama or Oregon if they win. The only realistic way we make the playoff is if Louisville beats FSU and we win. If Bama beats Georgia, they’ll probably put both in because they can do what they want. And Michigan isn’t losing to a terrible Iowa team.
  8. It’s ok. @The_Great_Hornsby will be along soon to berate, slur, and neg anyone who dare disagree with his hot takes. Unhinged.
  9. Fair enough, I think some of us are still scarred from 2008 around here. Hard to imagine a scenario where we don’t get fucked somehow. Battered Horns Syndrome.
  10. Again though, the committee’s guidelines: They can do whatever the fuck they want.
  11. If Bama wins a close game against Georgia, both teams are in. No fucking way Georgia gets left out. Not happening. Rooting for Bama and Oregon is the stupidest thing ever.
  12. That’s why all the “logical arguments” in here about conf champs, H2H, common opponents, etc. are so laughably ignorant. This is a beauty contest and the committee can do whatever the fuck they want- and they absolutely will. Root for Louisville, Washington, Georgia. Anything else is fucking stupid.
  13. Washington has been extremely lucky. That ASU game should have been an L if it wasn’t for a red zone pick 6 that saved their asses in the final minutes.
  14. I love that we did that. Stormtroopers should be worn at home all the time.
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