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Wilcox Cummingtonite

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Wilcox Cummingtonite

  1. Except it’s happened many times already in the history of the playoff. The committee has proven time and again they don’t care about conference championship games vs. “eye test.” It’s a beauty contest. The BCS was really a superior system of ranking teams. The issue then was 2 vs. 4 spots, not how they were ranked. Flame away.
  2. Why so serious? It’s not that big of a deal dude. Chilllll. The media/committee isn’t leaving out 2 time defending champ Georgia. ESPN owns the playoff. Not a chance they don’t let Georgia get a chance to 3-peat. Again- Georgia isn’t losing to Bama so it doesn’t matter.
  3. Easy- FSU gets left out for Georgia in a controversial, yet defendable pick. They aren’t losing to Bama anyway so it’s moo.
  4. Y’all can analyze this shit until your blue in the face but it means jack shit- just like my opinion. Louisville beating FSU is our only realistic shot. This committee isn’t leaving out Georgia in any universe. They aren’t leaving out Bama if they beat Georgia. Wash/Oregon winner is in no matter what. Michigan isn’t losing to Iowa. Louisville needs to beat FSU. That’s the only way we get in. Anything else is fugazi.
  5. Laughable that y’all really think the committee won’t screw us any way they see fit. They can do whatever the fuck they want. Going to be lots of crow to eat on this thread if we get left out in favor of another 1 loss team. Only (realistic) way we get in is Louisville helps us out. Even then I really don’t have faith the committee will do the right thing. They’ll do whatever they feel like.
  6. Not a chance in hell the committee is leaving out Georgia in favor of a 1-loss Texas. They’re in no matter what at this point. It won’t matter because Bama won’t beat Georgia anyway.
  7. We are likely heading to the Cotton Bowl to play Mizzou. 2 weeks straight in Arlington.
  8. Basically said Texas’ win against Bama didn’t matter now because it was in September and that we want no part of them now. Made a huge ass out of himself to the point where Leinart was telling him to chill out.
  9. Fuck both teams. Rust belt, backwards ass culture.
  10. *dominant Why are you on this board if you aren’t a Texas fan? Get in the motherfucker.
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