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Wilcox Cummingtonite

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Wilcox Cummingtonite

  1. Classic Big 12 defensive struggle
  2. I’m in Midland visiting my parents- all the little anklebiters are out in their red and black bullshit. I hate Tech more than anyone after growing up here. We’re gonna whoop that ass. 55-17 Horns
  3. Brando can lick my hairy taint after I have massive diarrhea. Fuck him.
  4. Fuck Tech. Anyone who grew up in west TX knows they are the absolute worst. Anklebiters.
  5. We’re going to crush Tech. Something like 51-10 would be perfect. Behren Morton is having sleepless nights thinking about our DL.
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