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Wilcox Cummingtonite

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Wilcox Cummingtonite

  1. The Dr. Pepper commercials next year are gonna be gold.
  2. Between this shitshow and the Mich/Harbaugh bs I might overdose on schadenfreude this week.
  3. lololol This was done so sloppily that the Twitter keyboard warriors pretty much figured it out with plenty of receipts within 3 days. But it's a psyop. Yup.
  4. 100% agree. Who would have thought 10 years ago that the $EC would be less of a cesspool than the Big 10.
  5. The worst about this is I fucking hate Ohio State, but I'll damn sure be rooting for them to kick the shit out of Michigan/Harbaugh from here on out.
  6. Rivals dipshits like this aren't helping- basically just a sad attempt at gaslighting w/ a healthy side of disinformation. It was the first fucking drive of the game and half the Michigan sideline is obviously looking for the pre-scouted signal (already on the pre-printed signal sheets that multiple staffers are on camera holding) once Ohio St audibles at the line. They all knew what was going on. That's not gamesmanship or "in-game" sign reading- that's called cheating per the NCAA.
  7. …and the real MVP of the esteemed group right here.
  8. 1. Don’t piss Vegas off. 2. Maybe a juicier Michigan betting scandal brewing? Why not profit a little off your blatant cheating?
  9. There’s no way Harbaugh didn’t know. 0% chance. There’s photos of other Michigan staff (in addition to CS) holding the cheat sheets on the sidelines. The whole team was likely in on it- the video from the Ohio State game is pretty telling- half the sideline is signaling pass after the sideline audible at the line. No doubt in my mind more evidence will trickle out in the next few days. Could get ugly- who knows though. I’m sure this is no surprise…but when I was a student, I worked on the equipment staff at UT in the early 2010s for a couple of years. Nothing like this shit was ever so much as discussed inside Moncrief- unless it was referring to other programs doing shit like this to Texas. Mack fucked us at the end, but he ran a very tight ship on this front. No nefarious bullshit like this. Ever. /Not Shamewood. He was before my time I think.
  10. IMO- it's pretty notable that this was the first play of the game.
  11. Idk man. He has a play sheet full of pre-scouted signals there. If I were a HC on the road, I wouldn't even allow the other team's ball boys on my sideline after this bullshit. https://www.espn.com/college-football/story/_/id/38727764/what-college-football-coaches-saying-sign-stealing
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