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Wilcox Cummingtonite

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Wilcox Cummingtonite

  1. Fuck OU. Blew their load 2 weeks ago. or Venables wasn’t able to steal signs today
  2. Euro ensembles aren't exactly bringing the flood around here, QPF totals are higher to the north and west. Some might get 1-2" next week if we're lucky- hopefully the EPAC does EPAC things and overperforms- these are usually our best rainmakers in central TX. The -PDO is killing us though- hence why it's hot as balls today. Too much stable, sinking air- same as the last 3 years straight. The strong -PDO is essentially cancelling out the El Nino right now. At least there's a chance we will be getting something next week.
  3. Oh I definitely hate the Yankees. No doubt about it.
  4. FYI you're arguing with a dude that has a room temp IQ, and probably barely graduated from high school in the valley.
  5. Michigan is a cesspool? The fact that they are scrubbing that dude's social media is basically an admission of guilt in the public eye.
  6. Drake curse got nothing on the Helo curse. No wonder the Yankees haven’t won shit since 2009.
  7. Forgot to log into your sock account @BeardIP again.
  8. JFC, someone plz IP ban Helo/BeardIP and get it over with. He's been the worst poster here for years.
  9. This will be another Oklahoma/DFW event and we’ll get fucked.
  10. YTTV here. Yeah something was fucked, but I think it was on ABC/ESPN's end. I vaguely remember Fowler mentioning something about a power issue. I missed the fake punt and the blocked punt and maybe 1-2 other plays in the 1Q. It was weird af. No issues after 1Q. That whole 1Q was a clusterfuck all around really. Bizarre shit happens in this game.
  11. Our landman is grouchy af, but he's been around for like 50 years so that's understandable. I'm on the conventional side (geo) so I get less shit than our EF/AC guys as long as I stay off state tracts.
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