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Wilcox Cummingtonite

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Wilcox Cummingtonite

  1. Holy fuck I can’t see 10% of the game on the right side
  2. Is this fucking 1968???? What the fuck is wrong with the cameras
  3. What the fuck is wrong with this broadcast
  4. Quite a few tickets still available online (more than a couple of days ago at least) but the market is still pretty steady right now.
  5. So far… Widespread totals of >1.5” covering a large swath of Hill Country (green color below) w/ max >4” showing up out by Lake LBJ. Austin 1-2”
  6. Had a section of my 1 year old fence blow down about 10 min ago…that wind was no joke.
  7. No rain in 78132 *yet* but I’m nearly surrounded on 4 sides so I’ve got that going for me.
  8. It will. That’s just the first round I think- should have a few chances (hopefully)
  9. Can really see the new convection popping up along the line now.
  10. Doesn’t look too bad- should fill in as it moves SE
  11. Just wait until we're back in the 90s by mid-next week.
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