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Wilcox Cummingtonite

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Wilcox Cummingtonite

  1. Cops are pieces of shit. Scottie is lucky they didn’t shoot him to be honest. Mental midgets carrying guns. Fuck cops. Fuck the police.
  2. For the bootlickers in this thread, I'll say it again. Fuck all cops.
  3. He's gotta have some major dirt on all the dirtbags at ESPiN. No other reason.
  4. I'm the rare conservative that hates cops. Guess I'm a libertarian.
  5. Fuck the police!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Never met a good cop, they are all pieces of literal shit.
  6. Quinn is that dude. Pre-ordered today. Buying an xbox X for this shit lol.
  7. Btw, most of the Guadalupe River Basin is still in severe drought. Canyon Lake is at all-time lows with no end in sight. Not much latitude between the two basins in case anyone is curious how the future looks as Hadley cells continue to expand north. Just wait until La Niña hits late 2024-26. Remember 2011?
  8. Line falling apart right as it approaches Comal Co. Who would have thought?
  9. Force field doing work tonight.
  10. Guadalupe River Basin/Canyon Lake watching everywhere flooding in Texas for the last week.
  11. Another day of clouds and humidity with zero rain down here. Maybe tonight? Not holding my breath though.
  12. Strong line building out west. Bow echo looks to hit Austin possibly. Could be some high winds later tonight.
  13. Forcefield has shifted south the last year or so. Strong shields up south of Austin these days. It’s almost fascinating to watch because you know it’s coming- if it weren’t so damn frustrating.
  14. Sorry @NorthLoop I think we got fucked again. I knew as soon as the flood watch went up we had no shot. Very beneficial rainfall in Kendall and Blanco Co- hopefully helps out the lakes some.
  15. Flood watch always the kiss of death with these set ups. It’ll all be east and north of us I'm sure.
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