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Wilcox Cummingtonite

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Wilcox Cummingtonite

  1. According to this guy the Texas-Alabama game will be filmed with the 4k cameras for the “ESPN game of the week” Available on directv and YouTube TV on special channels https://tvanswerman.com/2023/09/05/will-espn-air-alabama-texas-in-4k-is-the-4k-game-of-the-week-alive/?expand_article=1
  2. A. Tomasco is a Westlake grad. I hear he posts here as @TreatyOak
  3. Yay for NTX I guess. Fuckin' hell for SA.
  4. Is the interior OL bad pretty much because of Herman's preference to recruit 20 WRs per class (instead of OL) or because Flood isn't developing them fast enough, or both? I haven't been confident in our OL since 2005-2006 honestly. Those were some bad motherfuckers. After 2006, Colt was running for his life most of his time at Texas- he and Shipley were basically the entire 2009 offense. That Big 12 champ game vs. Neb was the worst OL performance I've ever seen in my life (fuck Suh though)
  5. Deion would kill it here I think. All the natural advantages one could ever want. Unlimited money. And he wouldn’t shy away from the villain role at all. Texas hasn’t really ever had that in a HC. I think he’d win big here in this new era of unrestricted free agency.
  6. It’s ok. I went and washed my truck twice today to make up for their forecast.
  7. Ah yes, Cody Campbell the ultimate shale bro. The worst.
  8. A simple draw playcall might gain 8 yards/play against this defense, but we like throwing errant deep bombs instead.
  9. Sark is worse than Herman at bailing on the run game. Jesus he’s fucking stupid.
  10. I’ve said this every year since 2009. At lease Mack’s “bad teams” were still fun to watch. Until they weren’t anymore. Sark ain’t the guy. That’s obvious.
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